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Bokuto stayed silent for a few minutes when his parents told him why they had come to his house. He didnt know how to react at all, the situation was uncalled for.

~what happened earlier before bokuto was speechless~
His mother started off saying " kou we are very proud of who youve become ! your successful and loved by people and your kind hearted and lovable and your just the best " his mother said exclaiming in slight over exhaduration to which Bokuto rubbed the back of his neck a bit nervousy, " m-mom thats just overexhaduarting everything " the owl looking male said a bit followed by a sheepish chuckle.

" kou your mother is absolutely right ! " his dad added before patting Bokuto's back and saying, " you followed your passion and became successful and loved and we never said anything in between, we just ask for one thing now son " his dad said with a smile to which Bokuto looked at his parents each and nodded " yeah dad what is it ? " he asked looking at his father

" get married and have beautiful grandkids ! " his father exclaimed happily as his mother nodded in agreement. When Bokuto heard what his father said, he was completely speechless, he didnt know how to react and what to say, he was just sitting there shocked.
~ end of recap~

" we just want you to be happily married now kou ! " his mother said happily, not really paying attention to how Bokuto had reacted, but his father saw how Bokuto reacted and patted his back softly, " whats wrong kou ? do you already have a girlfriend ? we should meet her if thats the case ! " his father said being a little supportive but oh boy was he off track with his son's sexuality.

What his father asked brought Bokuto back to his senses as he thought for a while to tell them about Akaashi but he remembered his parents couldnt stand gay people. Ofcourse, his parents were homophobic, for as long as they had seen Bokuto, he always had a girlfriend so they didnt have to worry about their son liking boys.

Bokuto shook his head as he put on a nervous smile, " n-no dad thats not the case at all, i dont h-have a girlfriend " he managed to get out while stuttering. His father nodded and his mother got excited, " we are friends with a very pretty actress's parents ! you must've heard of her ! Yukie Shirofuku ! you guys were in the same school before she became a successful actress, do you remember her kou ? " his mother asked already excited

Bokuto slowly nodded, he was great friends with Yukie but he didnt want to marry her at al- his train of thoughts was interupted by his mother mentioning that Yukie was pretty interested in Bokuto which shocked Bokuto even more.

His parents kept trying to convince him but all that was on his mind was how he was going to tell them about Akaashi. He really wanted to tell them but he just couldnt get himself to. After having dinner with his parents and talking, which was basically Bokuto's parents appreciating Yukie and praising her which Bokuto showed fake interest in. His parents took their leave and he finaly sat on his couch, not sure what to do rather than be in Akaashi's arms and feel his comfort but it was pretty late at night so he just slept on his couch without knowing what the next morning had for him.

While Bokuto was asleep, his parents and Yukie's parents agreed on meeting the very next day so that they could get their kids could talk and get in touch again before they could get together. get together ? yes.

Bokuto's mother texted him ' morning honey, Yukie and her parents are going to meeting you and us for lunch so be ready and wear something nice honey ! love you ! ' Before Bokuto could even wake up, his day was already decided for him. His parents were being contolling but they never interupted in Bokuto's way of how he wanted to live and he didnt know what to do because it was the first time it was happening to him.

Bokuto woke up the next day thinking of what had happened and he thought it might have been a nightmare, he wanted it to be a nightmare that he would forget about and keep going on for his dates with Akaashi and eventually ask him to stay with him, a stay in with Akaashi was what he had planned but his dreams were about to be crushed.

He checked his phone and saw the message from his mom and instantly realised none of it was a nightmare that he had wished. He started his day as he got some breakfast and started getting ready for lunch with nothing going on his mind but the thought of how to not get together with Yukie.

He headed to lunch in one of his cars with one plan in mind that was to talk to Yukie in private and explain to her that he and Akaashi had something going on and he wanted to live with him and not get together with her. Bokuto hoped that she would understand and they would find an excuse to get out of the arrangement their parents had set up.

He arrived at lunch to see Yukie's parents and his own parents waiting for him and Yukie to reach so that they could start getting to know each other again. Bokuto was really hopin that Yukie dosent come so that he has an excuse to extend the date and find out another way but unfortunately, she did arrive and Bokuto would be lying if he said that Yukie didnt look drop dead stunning. She looked way prettier than she did in highschool and she could make anyone fall for her in minutes, but Bokuto already loved someone so he was just someone who appreciated her existance and her beauty.






HAH CLIFHANGER well kinda ( ̄﹏ ̄;)


guess what- im sick :'D


The angst has begun ladies and gentlemen, gays and they's, i finally found where to take this story ( ̄︶ ̄)

Im pretty sure some might be waiting for the fight between Akaashi and Bokuto, trust me, i cant wait to write it -^-

also this whole marriage thing- how does it work ? 😀 i have no clue so whatever im writing is how i THINK it goes-

Yeah this chapter isn't the best- im sorry

Word count : 1032 ( not including this )

Hope you guys have a great day / night !!

Credits to dansprkle. on tumblr for the art on top ! If the art has to be taken down, please let me know !

( just a side note, i like getting to know your guys opinion on whatever i write so im always open for some suggestions or comments ! )

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⏰ Ultimo aggiornamento: May 01, 2021 ⏰

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