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"I'll be going now, when I get home I'll be checking your homework okay Kiyoomi?"

Sakusa looked up at his mother who was dressed professionally, an ebony blazer with thin grey stripes. She wore matching pants and a white dress shirt underneath. He hated the outfit. Not because he found it unattractive, it was rather every time he saw it, he knew his parents would be leaving for who knows how long.

"Oh... what time will you be home?"

"Not too late this time, around 11:30."

"But yesterday you said-"

"I'm really sorry darling, but your dad's calling me and this meeting is pretty urgent. I'll see you soon, love you!" she yelled while closing the door shut.

He made his way towards the window, watching the car slowly disappear from view.

"But yesterday you said you'll be home much earlier than that..." he whispered to himself.

Even with an introverted nature, Sakusa did get quite lonely sometimes. He sighed, dragging himself back into the house. The little boy of six summers walked over to the cupboard and pulled out a puzzle, it was one of his favourites as he found the image to be quite pretty. A snowy mountain, he felt as if he could stare at the gentle shades of blue for an eternity.

I've done this a million times already, maybe I should pick anoth-

His thoughts were cut off by a loud banging on the door.

Sakusa trudged over to the front of his house, he hesitated with his hand hovering over the door handle.

"Hello? Is anyone home?" A voice chimed.

His head perked up at the sound.

Hurriedly, he pushed down on the door handle and he was soon met by the sight of you, standing there with a box of cherries. You groaned a little while adjusting your grip, struggling a little.

"Oh hey... Omi... mind if you let me in for a sec?"

He quickly steps to the side as you trundled in, the weight of the box was too much for your nine-year-old body as you dropped it on the floor, making a loud thump. Patting yourself down, you turn and smile at him.

"Is your mum home? I just came here to say a quick hello and then I'll leave."

Sakusa's insides twisted with the feeling he recognised as disappointment.

"No, she's at work with dad, my sister is overseas and my brother is out with friends."

"Oh, why don't you hang out with Motoya then?"

"He's somewhere with his family." he mutters to the ground.

You watch him twiddle with his fingers, clearly upset.

"Hmm, if you don't mind I can stay with you for a while, would you like that?" you asked.

He shot his head up, eyes lit from the suggestion.

Judging by the expression on his face, you already knew the answer.


Despite only being a child, you already possessed some decent baking skills. Giggling, Sakusa grabbed a handful of flour and threw it right at your face. It goes everywhere, but you don't mind.

"Bleh! That got in my mouth Omi!" you wiped some of the powder off your lips.

He squealed and ran away, seeing that you had seized some flour yourself from the sack, ready to chase after him. Because of your bigger physique, you had caught up to him within seconds and held him in place while rubbing the flour into his face. Sakusa squirmed but was completely helpless.

"Stop!" he laughed.

Right when you let go, the bell from the oven dings.

"Cookies are ready!" you rejoiced. Taking a pair of oven gloves, you pulled the batch of cookies out.

The aroma diffused through the whole room.

"Don't touch until I say so okay?" You placed the metal tray on the kitchen bench and turned around to start cleaning up.

Sakusa stared at the baking tray, roughly half of it went over the edge of the bench.

It might fall...

Peeking to make sure you were distracted first, he extended his hand toward the tray and pushed it, regretting the act immediately afterwards.

He yelped and retracted.


You snap your head back to see him clutching onto his right hand, slightly bent over. You rushed over to him and pushed him over to the sink, putting his hand under the running cold water. He winced at the sensation.

"Didn't I tell you to not touch it?" you look down on him, he was too afraid to meet your gaze.

"Sorry... it was about to fall..." he mumbled.

"Then tell me, I would've fixed it." you say, taking out a medical kit from one of the drawers.

Silently, he nods as you caress him on the back and lead him to the couch. Pulling him onto your lap, you begin rubbing in some cream. You apply more to the spots where it looked more severe, Sakusa grimaced, but remained silent.

"I know it hurts, but just bear with it for a minute yeah?" you say over his shoulder.

"Mhm... sorry, for touching it." Guilt finds its way from his stomach to his quivering voice.

"Don't be sorry, I'm not mad at you, just got a little scared there. Make sure to be careful next time." you run your fingers through his hair. 

Sakusa relaxed a little as he began to enjoy your contact. 

"Kiyoomi, were your hands always this flexible?" you ask, bending his wrists back and forth. 

"Yeah, I guess..." he replied, only then realizing as well. 

It sort of freaked you out how far it could fold back and forth, but you found it quite fun to play around with. 

"O-okay, you can stop now." he stammers, clearly bothered by the awkwardness. 

You chuckle, watching his flustered state. 

Man, I wish I had a little brother like Kiyoomi... 

My Little Brother (sakusaxreader)Where stories live. Discover now