Yokozunaʻs Tight Squeeze

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For almost everyone a aeroplane toilet is a tight squeeze. I assume, that in the 90s the whole WWF Fans and wrestlers have wondered if Yokozuna with 690 lbs could fit in one.

Well, Mr. Perfect tried it. Curt sipmly laced one half of a chocolate bar in laxatives and and gave it to Yokozuna, while he ate the other half.
They were over 35,000 feet in the air, wich meant, run people in the plane, run! It happened what you all think was gonna happen. Yokozuna didn't fit in the toilet. So two stewardesses held a towel in front of him while Yokozuna took a mammoth dumb at the back of the plane.

I guess Mr. Perfect didn't quite think through all of this.

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