Chapter 9- Messed up

Start from the beginning

I love her hugs.

She always smell so fucking good.

she pulls away after some time, making me scowl "You wanna talk about it?"

My scowl is removed and I shake my head.

I'm not used to someone caring.

"Sure?" she asks and I place my hands on her hips, pulling her towards me.

"Sure" I assure her, she smiles up at me before turning her head down to her work.

"Mila I told you not to ride your bike all the way over here when it's dark" I grab her chin, making her look at me. My voice soft.

I just don't want her to get hurt.

"But it was the last minute and I'm totally fine-" she tries to argue, but I'm quick to cut her off.

"Camila" I warn her with a scowl and she sighs.

"Sorry" she mumbles, looking down. I lift her head with my two fingers, under her chin and I kiss her forehead. She innocently grins up at me.

"C'mon, lets get you home" I pick up her jacket and put it on her. I also pick up her phone and see a missed call from me.

When we get in the car. I realize how tired Mila is. She leans her head against the window and closes her eyes.

I like her so much.

I reach over and turn the radio on, on low sound, knowing how much Mila loves music.

She rests the whole way. I park and open her door gently since she's leaning against the window.

I shake her gently, waking her up. Her eyes flutter open, her emerald green eyes staring back at my dark eyes.

She gives me a sleepy smile, before mumbling something.

She then wakes up fully, her eyes wide open "my bike!"

I chuckle and she gives me scowl.

"I'll pick it up, don't worry baby" she gets out, muttering a thank you.

"Wanna come in" she smiles. I can see she wants me to come in. But I have to turn her down.

"Sorry, I have work" I grumble and she nods her head, going inside. She waves at me before closing the main door.


"That's messed up dude" Jake mumbles and they all agree as I sit in the front chair, in the meeting room.

"But can't you just kill Dallas?" Eli says, like it's the most genius plan and I roll my eyes at him while the other shake their heads.

"I don't take innocent lives" I grumble at him and he huffs.

"Innocent?" he raises his eyebrows "he killed thousands innocents"

"I know" I yell, all of them taken back at my sudden outburst.

"Look, maybe tell her" Hans sighs. I give him a glare.

"That's what I said" Eli raises his hands, annoyed.

"Are you guys fucking crazy?" I mutter at them "the poor girl already went through enough"

"She thinks her parents died in a normal car crash" I shake my head, leaning in on my chair, crossing my arms.

"You're dragging her into this" Fred suddenly speaks up, his tone loud.

"Fuck off" I roar at him. He stands up, pointing at me.

"She's fucking nineteen, leave her alone!" he says, narrowing his eyes at me. Only making my temper worse.

"Take a breath" Mila's voice rings through my head and I finally calm down.

"Fred it's not that easy" I sigh, making him scoff and he sits down.

"If I back out, someone else is gonna do the job. Faster" I clench my jaw at the thought.

"We can protect her tho" Hans says, in a soft tone. Looking at the table in thought, while talking "I mean, he gave you two years"

"We can easily make those two years, the best and dude! Dallas looks like he's about to expire" Hans look at me, joking. Making Eli laugh and the others chuckle.

"Fuck!" I slam my hand on the table, so fed up with Dallas.

First her parents. Now her.

"Isn't it her birthday soon?" Fred asks and I nearly smile at the time, where I asked what she wishes for and she got mad at, me telling me not to waste money.

"Yeah. Twenty-seventh November" there's exactly a week left.

"Great. Let's plan a surprise then" Fred stats and we all agree.

We all plan shit to do and how to do it and by the time we're done, we also have to look at a case.

6:07 AM.

I'm finally home. Thank fucking god.

Laying in bed. I'm about to call Mila. But I refrain, knowing she's asleep.

It's hard to sleep without her tiny self in my hold.

I finally fall asleep after a hour.


"Mila I told you to be careful" I say, shaking my head at her.

"Sorry" she mumbles before looking down at her bloody knee.

"I told you not to chase the butterfly. Camila you need to be careful" I scold at her and she just smiles up at me.

"I'm sorry" she grins innocently.

"Let me clean this up" I mutter. I grabbed a cotton wool and some antiseptic, to clean the bloody cut. She was sat on the counter, where I put her before as I cleaned her knee. She softly hisses in pain when it comes in contact with her skin. Her hand immediately squeezing my shoulder as I clean the cut.

"Sorry" I whisper, placing a band-aid before standing up looking at her, teary green eyes. Probably from the pain.

"It stings" she bites her lips.

"I know baby" I help her off the counter since it's so high up for her.

"I have to go home. It's getting late" she looks up at the clock and I glare at her.

"Stay over" I demand. She looks up at me smiling before nodding.

"Lets watch a movie" she jumps out of excitement before wincing in pain.

"Careful" I scold her, she shrugs it off. Grabbing my hand in her tiny hand, dragging me to the living room. Or at least I make her believe she's dragging me.



What's your theories on Harry's little job that he got from Dallas?

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