The Start Of The Journey

Start from the beginning

Little did I know at that moment, that this teacher would give me a challange on the very first day, and I can't afford to fail.


Needless to say, It was a close call. Due to my determination, I came second to last and Aizawa-Sensei, now known to me as Earaserhead, said that no one is expelled. Thus, I was one step further in my journey to becoming the number 1 hero, and repaying (Y/N) what he was owned. I swear, I'll make a society where males are treated equally! That is a goal I must achive!

Thus, time moved and we had the day afterwords a lessone with All Might. I was teamed up with Uraraka against Katchan and Iida and we won, barely. I became to emotional during the fight because I knew that Katchan was one of the resones why (Y/N) was treated poorly. The ppolice decided to run a DNA check on his blood since I wanted to dearch for his father and tell him of my plans. I don't care what others will say about this, i'll do everything I need to do in order to repay (Y/N). At the end of the fight, I had to tell one short statment to Katchan.

Izumi: "It's not that I look down on you, it's just that I can't control my quirk properly just yet. But' I hate you for  what you've done... to... him..." After that I blacked out.

And the next day, U.A was infiltrated by the media and Iida became class rep and Momo vice rep. We were planned to go to a special trainig area outside of the school. not a single one of us knew where to, but we were all exited. While walking to the cafeteria, Uraraka and Iida talked with me, and we told eachother why we wanted to become heroes.

Iida: "Due to my sister being Ingenium, I wish to become a hero like her." That was her resone.

Uraraka: "My family are really poor at the moment. They own a private construction company but they don't get many cliants since there are bigger companies. All of the equipment is really expensive, and with my quirk I thought that I'll help them to save money. they told me to be what I want, so I will become a hero to make sure money wont be a problem for my family ever again!" (In this, I'll make Uraraka have 2 mothers, one only a mother figure.)

Iida: "Bravo! Bravo! Such love for ones parents!"

I couln't do but smile. There resones were truly amazing, I wonder how they will reacted to mine.

Izumi: "Well, I honestly have two resones to become a hero. The first one is because i wish to become another symbolof light, just like All Might!"

Uraraka: "That's so cool! You can totally do it!"

Iida: "Indeed, just more control over your quirk and you'll be set!"

Izumi: "Thanks guys, but that's not all. The second resone I wish to become a hero is so i could make a change to society. I knew someone who was treated poorly because he was a male, yet he never did anything wrong, and he was the only person to belive in me. One day, he went missing, only to find his blood next to our school. The police said that he was dead and that It was most likley suicide, since males arn't treated so well. He was the only person to belive in me, yet i couldn't save him. So, in order for me to repay my debt to him, i'll make a society where males can be treated like equals!." I said with determination in my eyes at the end.

I was hoping that they will say something along the line of 'what a sad story' or 'how sad', maybe something like 'you have a kind heart'. I wasn't expecting what came next.

Iida: "For a male? Really?"

Uraraka: "Huh?"

Iida: "I'm sorry to say this Midoriya, but this sounds a bitb idiotic to me." And with that, she left.

Uraraka: "It's okay Deku, I think it's cool." I could tell that it wasn't fully honest.

Izumi: "It's fine Uraraka... Besides, I'm supposed to get his DNA results today, so i could try to learn more about him. I never really spoke to him and I never really met his mother, so i wish to learn more about him. The police will give me all of the information they can about him since they have 'no use for it'."'

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