The room goes so silent that Reiner can hear his heartbeat thundering in his ears as Galliard digests that information, and he can't even imagine what's going through his mind; all those years of working, of scrimping and struggling, and for what?

"How... why didn't you tell me?" Reiner has to admire Galliard's control when he asks that question; his voice is still taut and agonized, but he isn't shouting, and when Reiner touches his hand again, Galliard seizes it and grips it so hard that Reiner's joints squeal under the pressure.

Erwin sighs again, and this time, it's Mike who answers, his voice a low, soothing rumble. "You weren't eighteen yet when he died, so your daddy contested it. It's been tied up in court for years now."

Galliard closes his eyes and leans his head back, and Reiner isn't at all surprised to see tears perking up under his eyelashes. "That lowdown, stinking sack of shit... of course he did. Can't let the little fag boy have it, could he?"

"Hey." Reiner leans in, bumping his shoulder against Galliard's, squeezing his hand back. "Stop talking about my boyfriend like that."

Galliard makes a growling sound, but his grip on Reiner's hand doesn't loosen, and after a moment, he leans in against him. "Is it still in court?"

"No." Erwin shakes his head. "It cleared a few days before you came down." He glances down at his hand, joined with Mike's. "We were going to call you, but then..."

"You called first," Mike finishes, and Erwin smiles at him gratefully.

Another few moments of silence, and Galliard turns his head into Reiner's shoulder, making the nuzzling movements he does when he wants to be held but won't ask for it. Reiner gently pries his hand free and lifts his arm, letting Galliard tuck in against his side and holding him close. "So how much is it?"

"Your brother wanted it divided three ways. He set aside twenty percent for your mother..." Galliard snorts rudely and mutters something under his breath about that money going straight to his shit father, which Erwin chooses to ignore and talk over. "Ten percent to Mike and I, and the rest for you." He spreads his palms wide in apology. "Some of it gotten eaten up by court fees, I'm afraid. We tried to avoid that as much as possible, but it got pricey over the years."

"I understand." Galliard lifts his head and pins Erwin with his gaze. "After the court fees and thirty percent and everything, how much is left?"

Erwin names a figure. It's lower than Reiner would have thought, considering that it's the cost of a young man's life, but it's still a handsome sum. It's enough to make Galliard sit bolt upright, Reiner's arm sliding off his shoulder, and when he and Reiner glance at each, his eyes are wide and dazed, and Reiner knows they're both thinking about the same thing.

Galliard's internship.


Galliard barely stirs for the entirety of the plane ride, only startling awake when the plane lands and its tires bounce off the tarmac. He looks around wildly, scrabbling for Reiner's hand, and Reiner chuckles quietly and squeezes him.

"You're fine. We just landed."

"We're on the ground again?" Some of the fear goes out of Galliard's eyes, but he still makes a grab for one of Reiner's hands, and he lets him.

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