Pt 1

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Evan was captured by hydra as a young child, he was trained to be an assassin at the age of ten, by twelve he was going on missions by himself.

one day a man he was assigned to capture along with one of the winter soldiers, the man called stark aka iron man was a billionaire who made suits, he also worked with a team called "the avengers"

The man called "the winter soldier" I would talk to him, he never talked back but you could tell from his eyes that he always felt bad for me, why?

I don't remember anything before I was captured, I don't want to.

They call me white wolf, I don't know why.

I sat in a cell when I wasn't training.


We arrived at a party, they were all adults in suits and dresses. I was wearing a black suit and tie. the winter soldier was wearing the same thing.

We stepped through the doors and signed in "well who's this cutey" said the lady at the desk

"My son" the winter soldier gave a forced smile and touched my shoulder, I hated it.

Once we got in there was a bar, 10 tables, and 40 people most of which were at one with the man we were looking for

"over there" said the winter soldier

A few people glanced my way it must have been the fact that I was shorter then all of them and I had a baby face, I glared at them until they looked away embarrassed

Until I made eye contact with him, mr stark. He looked almost as if he was going to stand up and talk to me

until the winter soldier grabbed a machine gun that had been hidden and started shooting at the roof

Everyone started screaming and running towards the exit. I seen a lady at the bar go to grab a gun that had been under the counter, I grabbed my pistol and shot her in the head.

I looked by to see the winter soldier was losing in a fight with stark who had a piece of the suit on his arm that had blue sparks coming out of the, his hand pointed at the winter soldier probably he was going to kill him

But then I grabbed my weapon and told the man to "lower your arm" I said with an expressionless face

He looked at me confused and lowered his arm and said "hey kid put it down, i promise I ain't gonna touch your dad" he thought that the winter soldier was my dad?

"He isn't my father and I'm not putting my gun down" I declared " your coming with us"

He got off the winter soldier and put his hands up "no, I'm not" he sprung at me and before I could shoot he took my gun and grabbed me after that I don't remember anything.

I woke up in this strange place, it was warm there was beeping and I was strapped to a table

Someone must have been notified because right after a tall, white, brown haired about 5'9 walked in and looked at me "I'm dr banner"

I gave him a stare and asked "why am I strapped down?" In a stern voice

"I seen the footage" I frowed my brows in question "you murdered that woman in a heartbeat"

"Let me go" I said with an angry face

"You look young 15 maybe 14?" He ignored me

"Let me go" I said again wiping the expression off my face.

"Your safe here" he went on "now can you answer some questions?"

I answered questions a lot when I had to go to medbay

I nodded

He went on "how old are you?"


"Your 12?!" He looked concerned

I stayed silent

"Uhm moving on I guess" he looked baffled "whats your name?"

"White wolf " I said " "white wolf"is that like what they call you or-?" He asked

"It's what they call all of us"

"Who's all of us?" "The other ones like me, there's not as many anymore"

"Okay, well thank you, you've answered enough questions for now"

I nodded "where's my cell?" Why am I not in it?

"You'll have a room soon enough but you have a concussion and a broken rib, why?"

"Missions" "ah, so you went on more? Not just the one to capture tony?" Tony? Must be starks first name

"Yes, 219, 219 successful" "that's a lot for a twelve year old" he looked shocked "do you know how many you've killed? Sorry I know I said no more questions it's just-"

My expression changed, he must have noticed "do you remember them?" He asked
"All of them" that was something the winter soldier told me, one of the very few things he muttered was that

"So how many?"he repeated "306" I stated "307" I corrected myself

He looked sad and worried. We both noticed a man walk in, stark, tony stark

"Hey kid" he looked at dr banner giving him a look asking him to leave, the dr left "who are you?"

"Number 8-0-3" I replied

"No I mean do you have a name?" "Who was that man if not your father?"

"White wolf, he's the winter soldier"

"Ah, hydra assassins,what are you from the red room or something?"

The red room, I've heard things about it "no, the red room was failed, I am not from the red room."

"You're a murderer." No I'm an assassin. I didn't reply "hey kid look I can help you, make you a agent, maybe you could be mentored by nat or someone but you can't kill people. Okay?" He wanted me to join the avengers? Why?

I stayed silent "you hungry?" He asked "come with me, just don't go all psycho on me"

He looked at me waiting for me to stand, I didn't. He went to grab my wrist to uncuff me from the bed. I shook my wrists once he was done

" come on let's get something to eat" I noticed he had a bracelet and something glowing from his chest. We walked towards a kitchen " I can make eggs if you want" he offered.

I shrugged not knowing what to say "I'll take that as a no" "maybe some cereal, do you like cereal white wolf?" "What's cereal?" I accidentally spoke up " so it speaks, you'll have to try it, maybe some fruit loops, fruit loops cool? Okay cool"

He grabbed a bowl and milk out of the fridge and poured cereal, then milk he handed it to me and I looked at it concerned but very hungry I decided to try a bite and once I did I couldn't stop. He chuckled "it's getting late you should go back to bed" he said taking the empty bowl from me.

I went to bed and banner cuffed my wrist again.

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