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Ch. 15: The Light of the World

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"Perhaps it's not so bad if he doesn't awaken."

Astreia and I squatted behind bushes lining the principal thoroughfare into the quaint village of Friedesh. Because Yoko didn't trust me, she refused to allow me to travel alone, and because Astreia didn't trust Yoko alone with me, she volunteered to accompany me.

After Tievel's story, I had expected something grander than a sleepy hamlet nestled at the base of towering mountains. I didn't even know there were mountains in the middle of the Vesper. Every so often, the gray clouds swallowing their peaks would flash with searing light, and even so far below the storm, the world grumbled with thunder.

"All right, all right," Astreia said when I didn't respond to her flippant remark, "We won't leave him like that, but I'm also not keen to join him."

"No one will suspect a thing if we act like we're supposed to be here."

Astreia shook her head, her braids clacking. "Friedesh is small for a reason, Morana. The Light of the World is why Edresh is in power. The gratitude other kingdoms once had for Edresh has long faded. If they had free access to the eternal flame, they would no longer be willing to bow to a High King."

"Is that what started the war with Araphel and Estrellum?" I asked. I knew the official reason for the war: to stop the evil beings who wouldn't give up their Death magic, but I'd never believed it. "They wouldn't bow to another king?"

"Most of the people who live in this village are soldiers or family members of soldiers. Visitors to see the Light of the World must be approved in advance, and they sign in and out. They will know we don't belong."

I nearly jumped to my feet. "And you're just now telling me all this?"

She pulled my arm. "Just because it's dark doesn't mean you won't be seen. Not as pale as you are. Good grief."

"Don't you think these would have been excellent details to share?"

"I'm sharing them now."

Irritation scuttled through me, and I rubbed the spot between my eyes. "All right, look. Our story is simple. We recently settled on one of the homesteads a few leagues away. Fever Flower has poisoned your husband, my brother, and we're in town to get the antidote. Surely, people who live nearby come into town?"

Astreia didn't look convinced, but we didn't have many options. "Of course, if we don't get caught, then we don't need a backstory."

"You want to sneak in there?" I snorted.

"Why is that funny?"

"You just told me it was heavily guarded and someone with Yoko's skill set would be able to easily sneak away. Correct me if I'm wrong, but neither of us has her skill set."

"I am far more capable than you think."

"So, I've realized."

The princess sniffed and looked away. "And you are more stealthy than you give yourself credit for. What is the number one rule for servants and lower elves when in the presence of nobility?"

She had me there, and oh, how I loathed it. "Be invisible."

"Precisely what we are going to do, and if we get caught, I'll blind them and you can use some of that impressive ice magic that you probably hoped we wouldn't talk about."

"Oh, right? The power I have no idea how to control."

A sour taste filled my mouth. I didn't want to talk about it at all because I knew exactly where it had come from—the Warden I killed during my capture. His soul settled inside me, and it had been a brittle, icy thing. I hadn't noticed when it blended into the rest of me, but I felt that same sensation in my blood when the ice poured from my hands. They already believed me to be a monster. No need to prove it true.

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