Chapter 36: Hotel Party

Start from the beginning

"Are you going to take a shower?" He asked from the other side of the door.

"Why?" I asked while brushing my teeth.

"I was thinking of joining you." He said playfully while knocking.

I chuckled while wiping the remains of the toothpaste with my face towel.

I open the door and he immediately wrapped his arms around my waist and lift me up.

We shared an intense and playful kiss.

He moved his kisses down my neck.

"Be good.. I can't have you being naughty right now." I said while pulling away from him.

We just had sex last night and I needed to rest. We still have a press conference later today.

He let go of me and smiled in victory.

"Okay, I'm good.." he said winking.

I pointed at a red mark on my lower neck.

"I told you not to leave a mark." I complained as I showed him the hickey.

He chuckled and tried to acted like he only did it by accident.

I threw him my pillow.

"You did it on purpose didn't you?" I accused him.

He held up his hands in surrender.

"I'm so sorry love.. I swear I didn't. You can always wear make up to cover it you know." He said while trying to pepper kissed my neck.

His kisses were very ticklish.

I struggled to keep my straight face.

"Oh stop it! It's so early in the morning." I said finally as I pushed him back on the bed.

I brushed my hair and fixed my stuff on the ground.

"About that press conference later.. shouldn't we just tell people about our relationship? They keep asking and I don't want to dance around the topic anymore. It's been almost two years. So what if we want to make it official. We are already exclusive anyway." He said while wearing his shoes.

Our relationship isn't exactly out in the public yet even though there were already a lot of rumors circling around social media.

I just don't like it when people get all involve and put pressure on us. 

I like keeping my personal life private. Most of the time, people can't even respect our privacy anymore.

"Ivan.. love, we've already discussed this before. I would like to keep my privacy." I replied.

He nodded feeling defeated.

I don't know why he's making this an issue. 

It would be better if we don't have all the eyes on us. How many relationship were ruined because of some people who always stick themselves on other peoples business.


Later that day,

I went to the conference with my co-star and fellow actor Joshua. We were on the last day of promotion for our movie. Ivan was on the other conference room promoting his own movie. 

I notice that Joshua was more flirty and touchy with me. I don't normally feel uncomfortable around my co-stars  but with Joshua. Sometimes he can't seem to read the situation. He is always up close and invading my private space.

I tried distancing from him but he kept on leaning closer.

Ivan went to see how my conference was doing after he finishes his own. 

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