i give up on numbering the headcanons

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here are the class 1-B ones all together bc im too lazy to make all the chapters C:

 Kendou and Awase go shopping every week to look at new bats and weapons to knock Monoma out with

When class 1B is done studying, Vlad King takes then down to Starbucks to celebrate

After the incident with the Nomu at the training camp, Awase has had a weird shrine in his closet of Momo

When Awase and Monoma yell at each other in front of Class 1B and Awase's voice cracks, the whole room becomes silent and everybody laughs. (Tetsutetsu has at least 32 videos on his phone of Awase's voice cracking)

Awase weld's Setsuna's body parts into various places to practice his quirk

Awase welds himself into the ceiling for training practice-

Pony can play 'Hot Cross Buns' on the recorder and all of Class 1B loves it and encourages her to learn more

Rin mumbles to himself in chinese and is also not very fluent in japanese

Monoma owns two ferrets

Kendou owns like four parrots

Class 1-B plays Minecraft together

Class 1-B consider Shinsou a part of their class

Kosei does the classic 'Hallway' prank but instead of plastic wrap its the bubbles he blows using his quirk and pranks his classmates

At first Class 1B thought Sen was possessed because of the way he turned his head around at a 180 degree angle to talk to people (Also crawls around with his limbs the wrong way to freak class 1A out)

Kuroiro scares his classmates by hiding in a dark corned then scaring them by just seeing his face

After a kid in the buisness corse called Kendou stupid for wearing heels with her hero costume, Class 1B wore heel's for a whole day to make her feel better. (Monoma and Tetsutetsu looked the best in them)

Awase and Kirishima share bandanas

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