What is wrong with him?

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"Okay everyone, that's a wrap! You all did well today! Kamsahamnida!" the director announced from his seat and everyone in the set broke into an applause. The shoot for Mr. Queen's Commentary episode was a success and everyone was in high spirits – except for one.

"What is it this time?" Hae Sun whispered under her breath. She discreetly watched Jung Hyun from her spot as a staff member helped her remove her lapel mic. He's smiling, alright? But it just doesn't seem to reach his eyes...

"What did you say Unnie?" Ji Hye, the staff member, asked.

"Oh! Oh nothing!" Hae Sun immediately faced her and faked a laugh. "You know me, I just say random things sometimes." She scratched her neck and silently prayed that Ji Hye didn't see what she was staring at. Jung Hyun seemed fine to the others but she can't shake off the feeling that something was wrong.

Wait, did she do something wrong?

"You did so well today Unnie!" Ji Hye interrupted her thoughts. "I think I've never seen you laugh so much like you did earlier. I think Jung Hyun Oppa's surprised too because he kept looking at you during the shoot."

"Oh really?" Hae Sun asked in surprise. Was it because I kept laughing too much? I wasn't that loud. Aigoo, that man's always making me worry. "Anyway, thank you for today Ji Hye-ah! I'm glad to see you again."

"Yes Unnie, thank you also! And congratulations! Please take care on your way home."

"Yes, I will. You too! Take care!"

They bowed to each other and Hae Sun walked away first to find her manager. Only then did Ji Hye smile at the memory of what she saw. Aigoo, that Unnie. 


Hae Sun bid the other cast members goodbye as she waited for her van in the parking area. Young Jae, In Ah, and most of the senior actors have already left and it was only Chung Hwa and Seo Eun who were there waiting for their vans as well.

"Hae Sun-ah, are you going straight home?" Chung Hwa asked.

"Ah... yes Unnie. Ijji's waiting for me."

"Why did you hesitate?" Seo Eun laughed and playfully whispered "Are you sure it's Ijji who's waiting for you Unnie?"

Hae Sun's eyes grew big in surprise and immediately looked around, afraid that someone might overhear their conversation. Chung Hwa could only laugh at her junior's facial expression.

"Yah, calm down! No one is here to hear us."

"Besides, he doesn't know that we know, right?"

Hae Sun was about to reply when Jung Hyun and In Woo walked out from the building.

"O, Noona-deul, Seo Eun-ah, you're still here? I thought you left already" In Woo asked.

"O In Woo-ah, Jung Hyun-ah (she said his name teasingly), you're still here too?" Chung Hwa replied. "We're just waiting for our van – oh here they are!"

At that moment, three vans pulled up in front of them – Chung Hwa's, Seo Eun's, and In Woo's. Seo Eun couldn't help but cover her mouth in excitement while Chung Hwa discreetly bumped her with her elbow. Hae Sun just scratched her neck out of nervousness and embarrassment.

"Well, here's my van too" said In Woo. "Goodbye everyone!"

Seo Eun waved them goodbye and uttered "I'll go ahead as well. Take care Oppa! Unnie-deul!"

"Jung Hyun-ah, Hae Sun-ah." Chung Hwa smiled and left.

Jung Hyun and Hae Sun stood awkwardly beside each other as they watched the vans of their colleagues leave. 

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