Chapter Thirty-eight

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__Author's POV__

It's been almost 3 and half weeks since Zhan got hurt. Everything is almost settled down. Police arrested that worker, who helped Mianmian and they both are in jail now. Zhan is also almost recover. As, his cut was too deep it took a lot time to heal fully. But, he recovered perfectly. Well, in between so many caring and loving person, who won't recover fast? In between this days, Zhan and Yibo's relationship improve a lot. Yibo took day offs from uni. Almost every time, he was with Zhan. He take a good care of Zhan. Time to time he also fed Zhan with his own hand.

Now, Zhan is with Zhanjin and Jackson so, Yibo is doing works sitting on study room.

"Ey.. bo.. may I?" A voice turned bo looked at the door.

"Grandpa. Why are you asking just come. Have a sit." Yibo said.

Grandpa smiled and, entered the room and sat opposite of Yibo.

"Are you busy?" Grandpa asked.

"Not much. Is there anything you want to say?" Yibo replied closing his laptop.

"Mnn. There is." Grandpa replied smiling.

"About what?" Yibo asked.

"About you and Zhan." Grandpa said, smiling at Yibo.

Hearing grandpa, Yibo looked at grandpa with confusion.

"Yibo, you and Zhan. Both of you are too young. I know, there is a contract between you and Zhan. You two will separate after a year, when Zhan will pass the exam." Grandpa stopped, and looked at Yibo.

Yibo looked down immediately. As he felt pain in his chest hearing the word separation.

Grandpa smiled and continue,

"Let me tell a story, story about me and your grandma. Just like yours, my marriage was also arranged by family. That time, I didn't want to get marry but, I did because of family. I thought, I won't  fall for her in this life time. But, as the time pass, my life changed I fall in love, I fall in love with your grandma. But, It was so awkward to tell her about my love. I always tried to help out her in everything. I always tried to make her smile. But, I couldn't say I love you. Then, one day she said, she is pregnant. I was so happy. I really want to say, I love you. But.. I couldn't because, I really don't know, how to say this words. How to express feelings. How ?? How?? She was expecting me to say I love her but I couldn't. She waited 50 years just to hear, I love her. But, I never said. And, 5 year ago, when she died. I felt, I lose everything. I said, I love her. I love her a lot. I love her. But, she wasn't anymore, who can smile at me. I failed. I failed. Now, I know, I was so so idiot, stupid. She did everything for me. I couldn't say her just a small sentence that, I love her."

Grandpa's eyes was full with tears, Yibo was looking at him. Grandpa smiled when, his eyes meet Yibo's.

"I saw love in your eyes for Zhan. When he was in hospital, I saw how impatient was you. I saw how you took care of him. His every single thing. Yibo, yibo... I have seen whole world, I can say by just seeing your eyes that how much you love Zhan." Grandpa said, wiping his tears.

Yibo didn't say anything but, stay silent.

"Do you want to Zhan leave this house?" Grandpa asked. Yibo still didn't answer but, stay quiet.

An awkward silence fall all over the room, Grandpa was sitting, looking at Yibo expecting him to say something but didn't say anything.

With a sigh grandpa said,

"It's good to care in silence. But, it's necessary to say things out. Yibo, I won't force you on anything. It's your life. But, what I can say is, before it's too late. Just say him, how much you love him, how badly you want him to stay beside you. Just say him."

A Contract Of Separation (Yizhan) {Mpreg} [Completed]Where stories live. Discover now