Chapter Four

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"So you mean to tell me," San started while holding the door open for Wooyoung, allowing him to leave the diner first before he would step out to head to the car, "That you, a twenty one year old have never gone swimming before?" He was shocked to hear. They were talking while eating their breakfast and Wooyoung had admitted that he never swam before, not even in a pool! How sad was that?!

"Well if you can count swimming in a bathtub when you're a small child then yes, I've been swimming before." San could groan. "That does NOT count but holy shit. I would have assumed you've at least been in a pool. You sad sad person. Wow. So this means you have no swim trunks right?" He questioned while getting into his car, seeing Wooyoung shake his head from the corner of his eyes as he went to turn on the car engine, grinning. "Okay. So we're going shopping then." He didn't even give Wooyoung time to protest, already making his way to the nearest clothing store he could think of.

"You look around my size, maybe one or two smaller." San commented while pulling up into the first parking spot he saw available, nodding his own head he took a glance at Wooyoung's body and nodded.

"Yeah. You would fit something I'd wear." Motioning Wooyoung to follow him he stepped into the shop, already heading for the men's summer wear so they could pick out some swim trunks. San needed to get himself a new pair anyway, plus shopping was fun! He could see from the corner of his eye Wooyoung lookin at the different shorts that were out for display, grabbing a simple black pair for himself while San grabbed a baby blue pair. "Do I have to like- Actually try them on?" San nodded at the question, making Wooyoung groan.

"Ugh. I always hated trying on clothes when shopping. Even as a kid." He would complain, making San laugh. "Oh relax, you'll be fine. Besides we gotta know if they'll fit correctly. Don't wanna be swimming just for them to easily slip off now would we?" Smirking, he went to the worker to let him know they would be trying on some clothes, knowing he probably embarrassed Wooyoung at the comment alone.

They were led to the changing area, San stepping in one room and Wooyoung stepping into the room just next door. Locking the door, San unbuttoned his jeans and easily slipped them off along with his shoes. Keeping underwear on, he tried on the trunks he got and grinned to himself in the mirror. Damn. He looked good in blue.

"You good Wooyoung?" He hollered while he was changing back, hearing a little 'yeah!' Came from next door. He stepped out, now waiting for Wooyoung, crossing his arms over his chest he waited. "I got sunblock and towels at my place. Can just swing by there and then drive to the beach." He called, watching Wooyoung come out finally with the shorts folded.

"How long is the drive anyway?" He asked, San having to do the math in his head before shrugging. "About a ninety minute drive from Seoul." He saw Wooyoung's eyes widen. "Are you sure we should do this? What if my dad finds out I skipped class to have a day at the beach?" His worries started to build, making San roll his eyes.

"Well first off ditching school was your idea in the first place so if we get busted won't be my problem but yours. I'm just supposed to do everything you tell me to, and two, I doubt he'd find out where you are since we would be at the beach, BUT if he was to find out just say fuck off! You're twenty one. People at this age shouldn't even have to worry about what their parents think. I know I never cared what they said, even when I did live with mine." San's words did seem to calm Wooyoung a bit while they went to purchase their shorts.

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