Same feeling

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I never... I mean ever speak to anyone about my past. The only person who knows all the details is Toy Freddy, but with Toy Bonnie I just released all of this information and I couldn't stop myself. My whole body felt comfortable with her, she had such a soothing ora around her and her smile god! She could light up a dark room with her smile. I was falling in love with her the more we spoke. I know she smoked because I would know if that freshly burnt out cigarette bud was from me.

"So yeah, that was my first boss" I finished

"Wow, what an asshole" she replied

"Yeah they all were, except for well.. Toy Freddy I mean he is the only good one I ever had" I explained

"Haha, he does hold a very special place in his heart for you" T.Bonnie said smiling

"Yeah, and so do I" I mumbled

The night went quiet and it was only us that were still out there. I finished my cigarette and put it out. Toy Bonnie finished hers and she put hers out next to mine.

"So what about you?" I asked her

"Me? Well Toy Freddy is the only boss I have, I don't have anymore" she giggled

"You got lucky then" I chuckled

"I did" she laughed "but with you I feel like I'm more luckier"

"How come?" I asked

"Well, I don't know if this is a connection thing but from the moment I met you I felt this warm feeling hit my heart." She explained

"Really? Because when I met you I too felt that same feeling... I guess you could say it was a connection" I admitted

"You felt the same?" She questioned tilting her head

"Yeah I did" I smirked

Toy Bonnie then adjusted herself on the couch to face me. We looked into each other's eyes for a few seconds before I leaned in closer. I had no idea what I was doing but it just felt right, without hesitation Toy Bonnie leaned closer as well. I then gently placed my arms around her, not wanted to freak her out to which I didn't thankfully. We then leaned in for a deep passionate kiss, the moment we felt our lips touch we fell into deep waters of romance and comfort. It felt so romantic to feel her lips gently up against mine. Our kissing slowly became making out, which felt even better. At this point our hands were wrapped around one another and we were getting more heated with each kiss.

"Foxy!" She squeaked "haha"

"Mmm~!!" I teased kissing her cheek

I then moved down onto her neck which was even better.

"Mmm~! Foxy" she moaned holding onto me

We continued to kiss for about 15 more minutes until Toy Chica and Mangle came outside and ruined the moment.

"Foxy?" T.Chica asked

"What are you two doing?" Mangle asked me

"None of your business" T.Bonnie sighed "me and foxy were just having a moment before you two ruined it"

"Jeez sorry Bon, Foxy isn't just for you" T.Chica mocked

"Are you saying you two are dating him too?" She asked them

"Don't give them ideas" I whispered

"Haha" she giggled

"No, but-" T.Bonnie cut her off

"You guys have his attention 24/7" Toy Bonnie said "let me have some time with him"

"No we don't" T.Chica snarled

"Yes you" T.Bonnie replied

"No we don't and that's a lie!" Mangle barked


They all went silent

"Look, I love you of all separately but i have to make time of each of you as well.. let me and Toy Bonnie have some time together okay? We can spend more time together tomorrow" I stated

"Okay... fine" T.Chica sighed

"Fine" mangle whined

"Thank you" I appreciated

Toy Chica and Mangle both left and headed back inside, leaving me and Toy Bonnie alone on the couch again.

"Sorry" she apologised "I can't tolerate them just as much as you can"

"Haha! Yeah I don't blame you.. then can be really annoying" I joked

Me and Toy Bonnie then continued to kiss and make out on the couch, during that time together I felt Toy Bonnie unbutton my flannel. Her gentle hands sliding into my shirt to make contact with my skin.

"Gently" I whispered

"Sorry, is it okay?" She asked me

"Yeah it's fine just be gentle" I stated

"Okay, are you sure though I don't wanna hurt you" she stuttered

"Yeah I'm sure" I reassured

Toy Bonnie then fully unbuttoned my shirt and began to gently touch my skin, with each gentle touch on my scars I flinched a bit as the pain was still there but not as strong as it once was. As she touched my bare skin I kept her held up as a way of preventing her from falling on me by accident, I also kissed her neck to which she giggled with enjoyment. It felt so amazing to have such a beautiful women like her in my life, I have longed for the right person to come and embrace me with unconditional love and I had found all of that in Toy Bonnie, there really was just something about her that no other girl I know had, it was a truely special gift and I was falling deeper and deeper and deeper in love with Toy Bonnie the more time we spent together, this night caused something amazing to happen and I wasn't gonna forget this. I really wasn't.

"Well we should head back inside" T.Bonnie said getting up

"Hm? Oh yeah we should" I agreed buttoning up my shirt again

I went over and open the door

"Ladies first" I insisted

"Why thank you" she giggled

I then closed the door and locked it when we both were inside, she was standing over near the counter of the main office, I walked over to her and blushed.

Foxy X Toy Bonnie (I love you to the moon and back) Where stories live. Discover now