13 - rests and jests

Start from the beginning

"and i know you want me to," his voice was low in a dangerous gruff but sexy whisper, making y/n's knees go weak. the heat of his words produced a shiver to run all over her body; the satisfying feeling pooled just below her uterus.

lloyd pulled away, his smirk small, but powerful enough to make an effect on y/n. he shrugged nonchalantly, before turning away to grab the broom.

blinking away, y/n regained her senses. her throat was dry again, so there nothing she could swallow at the moment. for that brief second, she was captured in the sexual energy that fumed off lloyd every time they were together. y/n was definitely moved, to say the least. she scoffed at this fact, loud enough for lloyd to hear, and scurried away to her shared bedroom.

lloyd grinned in a devilish manner, as he began to clean up the glass shards.

as mentioned previously, he knew she would fall.

he felt it.

he saw it.


y/n's pov

i found myself scowling, as i stood in the shower. a hand rested out in the wall in front of me, my head inclined towards the ground; the warm water cascaded down my body, jumping off my eyelashes swiftly. the shower head was hovering right above me, so i felt how the water was tempted to enter my eyes, but it only skidded past them, resulting in a low irritation. the water slithering down my skin was a never-ending trance that glued me to the spot.

i had been probably standing there for ten minutes, if not more. i was repeating lloyd's words over and over, and couldn't help but replay the feeling i got when he had whispered into my ear.

and i know you want me to...

man, there was something about that boy that made me....ugh. i couldn't even explain it. he was just so flipping fine.

i shook my head. i didn't want to stand there and try to decipher what the hell i was feeling inside. it was such a mess; but it was a code i didn't have the yearn to uncover. it was better to just push them away.

my mind shifted to yesterday.

last night was fun. i've never felt so free, never felt so great. the power i was ramped up with had already made me feel pretty good about myself, but the amazing day came to an end with kai.

oh yes, the darn red ninja.

if i was being honest, i hadn't thought of him all morning until now, as i just stood there. a smile painted my lips, as i remembered the events after our kiss.


"haha!" i laughed, as i jumped back and forth."i beat you!"

"geez, you're a fucking rocket," kai puffed, setting his palms on his knee caps. "like seriously princess, how the hell do you just keep running?!"

"i already told you. years of practice and devotion."

"you're so cheesy, you know that?"

"okay, but which one of us is the big fat loser here?"

kai chuckled, standing upright once he restored his breath. the deck on destiny's bounty was deserted, but our only other companion was the glittering moon. kai approached me, staring at the moon, then back at me.

"sooo...i know i didn't catch you, but...you still wanna give me that kiss?"

i licked my lips, and inched closer to him. i bopped his nose with my index finger and smirked deviously. "hmm, maybe when you're not a loser, sunshine," i croaked, my eyes flickering from his red lips to his eyes.

the good, the bad, and the dirty | jay, kai, and lloydWhere stories live. Discover now