Chapter 5

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Wanda's Pov

I couldn't believe I had opened up to Tony Stark of all people. All of my bottled up emotions and when I finally open up about them, I open up to Tony Stark. But strangely, a small part of me was comforted by his presence. He actually seemed remorseful, which I was very confused by. Ever since that awful day with the missile I've had Tony as the villain in my mind, but maybe that wasn't the case.

I went back to the kitchen assuming everyone would be gone but to my surprise, Vision was sitting at the table. "Vision?" I asked, "What are you doing here? You don't even eat food." He let out a light chuckle and responded, "I heard you coming in, I wanted to provide you some company." I gave him a small smile and continued eating my breakfast. I couldn't remember the last time I'd had food like this, those happy times with my parents seemed like distant dreams.

"Vision.." I started. He looked at me with curiosity, "Yes, what is it Wanda?" "I just wanted to thank you for saving me the other day. I don't know a lot about you but I can tell you have a good heart. Programming? I don't know." He laughed and said, "I was happy to save you. For what it's worth, I can tell you have a good heart as well." It was odd, but in the short time I've been here Visions become the closest person to me. And he technically wasn't even a person. 

--- time skip to a few hours ahead ---

I was watching one of my favorite childhood sitcoms when Vision walked- well phased in. [WANDA] Vision?

[VISION] I apologize. I don't mean to intrude.

[WANDA] You don't?

[VISION] Well, I suppose, yes, I did intend to come in here.

[WANDA] And now?

[VISION] And... Well, whatever is your preference.

(a man got hurt in the show and I chuckled)

[VISION] Is it funny because of the grievous injury the man just suffered?

[WANDA] No, he's not really injured.

[VISION] Ah. How can you be certain?

[WANDA] It's not that kind of show.

[VISION] Wanda, I don't presume to know what you're feeling, but I would like to know. Should you wish to tell me. Should that be of some comfort to you.

[WANDA] What makes you think that talking about it would bring me comfort?

[VISION] Oh, see, I read that the...

[WANDA] The only thing that would bring me comfort is seeing him again. ...  Sorry. I'm... I'm so tired.  It's... It's just like this wave washing over me, again and again. It knocks me down, and when I try to stand up, it just comes for me again. And I... It's just gonna drown me.

[VISION] No. No, it won't.

[WANDA] Yeah.  How do you know?

[VISION] Well, because it can't all be sorrow, can it? I've always been alone, so I don't feel the lack. It's all I've ever known. I've never experienced loss because I have never had a loved one to lose. But what is grief, if not love persevering? ... (he laughed at something on the television) Sorry. Pardon.

[WANDA] No, it was funny.

[VISION] Yes, it was very funny, wasn't it?


Scene credit: WandaVision episode 8

I looked at Vision and blushed without realizing. He wasn't even a human, and yet he had brought me more comfort than anybody else. He suddenly fell off the bed and I stifled a laugh. "You can dodge bullets but you're clumsy enough to slip off of a bed?" "Hmm. I suppose so." He was laughing too. I levitated him back up and we continued watching the show until I unknowingly fell asleep. I awoke a few hours later and noticed I had curled up on Vision. "Oh! I'm sorry Vision, you could have moved me." "It's quite alright Wanda, I didn't want to disturb you, you looked so content." I blushed yet again and caught him looking at me. 

"What? Is there something on my face?" I questioned. "No.. you just really are very pretty." he responded. For some reason that was beyond my understanding, that statement truly made me happy. I closed my eyes and rested my head on his shoulder as I drifted off again.

Author's Note: I hope you're enjoying the story so far! And don't worry, this book is still about Wanda's relationship with the other Avengers, but I can't resist adding some Wanda & Vision chapters.

 -e <3

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