Chapter 3

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Wanda's Pov

Me and Nat finished the entire first season of Stranger Things in one night, and I'll admit, I loved it. For those few hours I forgot about my troubles and my sadness, and just sat contently enjoying the show. I hadn't had true fun in ages and it felt nice. Nat kept cracking jokes and by the time we finished the first season it was 4am so I quietly went to my room and fell asleep.

I was woken up by Vision's voice letting me know that everyone was eating breakfast in the kitchen. "I'll just stay here, but thanks Vis." I said, and he gave me a puzzled look. "Wanda, don't you wish to become closer with the Avengers? Why do you stay away from them?" I only sighed and slowly agreed to go join them. 

I sat down as subtly as possible next to Nat, hoping nobody would acknowledge me. Stark gave me a judgemental look and I slumped down in my seat. "Hey Wanda!" Nat greeted me. I gave her a smile and built up the courage to say something, "Hey, do we have any pancakes?" Everyone looked at me and I felt shy once again but Clint said hello to me and showed me where they were as everyone went back to talking.

I was beginning to eat my food when  Bruce cleared his throat and began speaking to me, "So, Wanda, do you have any relatives? Like an Aunt or Grandparents?" I was startled by the question, Bruce hadn't spoken to me since Sokovia. " grandparents and my parents died when I was young, and neither of my parents had any siblings. It's just been me and Pietro since I was ten." Pietro. Suddenly the wave of sadness came crashing onto me again, and a lump formed in my throat. I noticed that my place had begun to shake and I quickly looked at my hands noticing the red sparks that had accidentally formed.

I felt my cheeks start to burn and I quickly excused myself and ran into the bathroom. Everything began to quiver again and I desprately tried to calm myself down. No. I couldn't lose control. Not now.  But I didn't know what to do, Pietro had always been able to steady me but now he was gone. A vase crashed down from the vanity and I buried my head in my hands as I started to quietly sob.

"What was that?!" I heard Stark ask. "Something fell, I'll be right back." Oh no. He was headed my way. I tried to steady myself and leave the room before he came in but I couldn't. I heard the door click open and Stark stopped in his tracks. "Oh.. Um.. I didn't know you were in here. I heard something fall." I looked up at him and apologized for the mess. He noticed my tear stained face and awkwardly asked me if I was alright. 

"I-well- yes, I'm alright." I lied. He could tell something was up and started walking towards me again. "Look, I'm sorry for what I said last night. I know I created Ultron, not you. It wasn't your fault." I was shocked. Why had he suddenly been nice to me? I didn't deserve it. "Stark, thank you but it is my fault. I got into your head and hurt you. I hurt almost everyone! And.. and even if Ultron wasn't my fault my brother was. I should have saved him." He looked me in surprise and his eyes softened. "No, hey you can't think like that. You helped save the city in the end which is what really matters

Why was he being kind to me? What was going on?

Lost- Wanda and the AvengersDove le storie prendono vita. Scoprilo ora