💍ENGAGED!?💍 (Look at softie Tobio🥺❤️)

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As Kei and Tobio got home they shared kisses and hugs. They went upstairs to change clothes. (You can't see their outfits just yet😉) After they changed they sat on the couch cuddling while watching movies for 3 hours at least. "Keiiii" "Yes my blueberry?" "I'm hungryyy" Tobio pouted as Kei chuckled. "Okay,okay I'll make dinner what do you want?" "Pork curry with-" "With an egg on top I know. I'll make it now" "Thank you baby!"  Kei smiled and nodded as he headed to the kitchen to make dinner. Tobio called his sister and told her to come over with Akiteru. When they arrived Tobio opened the door and let them in as they talked. "Miwa:So Tobio hows life? Has Kei been treating you good?" "Kei and I are doing great!" "Akiteru:Speaking of Kei where is he?" "Oh! He's making dinner." "Akiteru:Oh, okay." They continued to talk as Kei made dinner.


"Suga:Tadashi!" "Yama:Oh hey Suga-San!" "Suga:Hey Tadashi, I was wondering if you had Tsukishima's address? We wanted to go see him." Suga said as he gestured to all their other friends behind him. Tadashi thought about it for a second then realized. "Oh! I do have it saved in my phone! And plus I haven't been to Tsukki's house in a while so can I tag along?" "Sure!" Tadashi pulled out his phone and found the address as he entered it into his GPS and told everyone to get into their cars and follow behind his car.

..Back with Tsukikage..

"Dinner will be ready in 10 minutes!" Kei shouted out from the kitchen to Tobio,who was sitting in the living room on his phone. "Okay baby!" He shouted back. *knock, knock* "I'll get it!" Tobio said, walking to the door. As he opened the door his eyes widened. "Shit."

Tadashi and everyone else looked at Tobio with eyes wide. "Yama:Okay first of all. What are you wearing?"
Here it is😉:

 What are you wearing?" Here it is😉:

Ups! Tento obrázek porušuje naše pokyny k obsahu. Před publikováním ho, prosím, buď odstraň, nebo nahraď jiným.

-the shoes tho
And this-

-the shoes thoAnd this-

Ups! Tento obrázek porušuje naše pokyny k obsahu. Před publikováním ho, prosím, buď odstraň, nebo nahraď jiným.

"Uh...my lounge wear..?" "Yama: Also what are you doing at Tsukki's house?" As Tadashi said that Kei poked his head out of the kitchen. "Blueberry! Dinners read- Oh." Kei's face changed when he saw all of their friends outside their door. He set down the food and walked to the door.
Also he's wearing this:

Black shirt not hoodie tho-

Ups! Tento obrázek porušuje naše pokyny k obsahu. Před publikováním ho, prosím, buď odstraň, nebo nahraď jiným.

Black shirt not hoodie tho-

"Come in.." Kei said as he grabbed Tobio's waist and brought his out of the way of the door. As everyone walked in they noticed the pictures of Kei and Tobio on the walls. They all went and sat on the couch as Kei and Tobio closed the door and followed. As they sat down with both the pairs of siblings, Suga took the lead. "I want a straight explanation, no beating around the bush."  "Okay." Kei said as he looked at Tobio. Tobio started "So, our parents wanted to merge businesses so they put us into an arranged marriage. And I moved in with Kei because he lived alone." Tobio stopped as Kei continued. "After a while we developed feelings and went on an actual date. We are still engaged and we're gonna get married after 2 months." Kei said as he grabbed Tobio's hand and held it up along with his to show them the rings.


Ups! Tento obrázek porušuje naše pokyny k obsahu. Před publikováním ho, prosím, buď odstraň, nebo nahraď jiným.

"Suga:You.." "Noya:YOUR ENGAGED!?" Noya shouted as he stood up. The couple looked at each other and nodded. "Asahi:But I thought you hated each other??" "Well not anymore..we love each other now." Kei replied as he wrapped his hand around Tobio's waist. "Now if you'll excuse me I have to go make more food because there are more people." He said as he got up and walked back to the kitchen. "Well that pretty much it there's nothing else to it." Tobio said. Everyone in the room (-Akiteru,Miwa,Tobio) was surprised. "Asahi:You know what, congrats to you two. It's good that you realized your feelings." "Dai:Yeah Asahi's right, congrats." Everyone else started congratulating them after that. Until, "DINNERS READY!"  "I guess it's time to eat! Cmon everyone!"

They ate and enjoyed a night full of laughs, hugs, and kisses. They spent time together like one big family.
The end.❤️

Hiii! It's currently  1:20AM I think- I hope you all enjoyed. I spent a lot of lime and effort on this I started at like 6:00PM and I didn't take any breaks it's just that I kept changing the storyline and things in the story so yeah. But have a nice day☀️/night🌙 or morning🌤 cause we know good and well that at least one person is reading this at like 2am and I've caught you in 4K😌📸. Okay bye My Darlings! I hope you enjoyed reading this and I really hope you all stay safe during this time! Happy Easter and Goodbye!

Engaged?! -Tsukikage-Kde žijí příběhy. Začni objevovat