@Haydenhire09- She's never seen snow before, so I changed that

>@Haydenhire09- It's ok you don't need to be ashamed
>@Adalyniscool- god i hate u
>@Ravon- no you don't
>@Adalyniscool- leave me alone

@Larray- CUTIES
>@Adalyniscool- ik
>@Mario- so humble
>@Brady- Agreeed

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@Adalyniscool- He took me to meet his family #Goals

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@Adalyniscool- He took me to meet his family #Goals

@SnowHills123- what about me?
>@Adalyniscool- You too Hales
>@Haydenhire09- You have a nickname for her already? :'(
>@SnowHills123- u r so dramatic

@Larray- So thats where u went
>@Brady- We already knew this
>@Larray- oh right

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Me and Hayden played in the snow for a bit. Then we went inside and at hot chocolate. I changed into a pair of dry clothes and went back to the couch.

Today was the day that me and Haydem were leaving Michigan. We had been here for about a month and I was sad that we had to leave. I was going to miss the snow, the quiet, and Hailey. We had really grown close and I was going to miss her. As I was packing Hailey came in the room.

"I'm going to miss you.", I said hugging Hailey
"Well you don't have to", Hailey said
"I'm coming with you."
"To L.A.?", I said shocked
"Yeah, where else would I go?"
"Im so excited!"
"Me too"
"Well I'm gonna finish packing."
"Yeah me too" Hailey said walking to her room.

I finished packing and said bye to Hayden's parents. I walked out to the car and sat in the back seat. Hayden and Hailey walked out shortly after. Hayden sat in the driver's seat and Hailey sat in the back.

"Am I an Uber now?", Hayden asked
"Yes", me and Hailey both said laughing.
"Ok" Hayden sighed
"Can I have the AUX cord?", Hailey asked
"Absolutely not", Hayden said
"Can I have the AUX cord?", I asked
"No because you're jusst going to give it to Hailey."
"Pwease Hay", I said pouting
"Fine", Hayden said handing me the AUX cord.

I handed the AUX cord to Hailey and she started playing her playlist. We listened to Sweater weather, Panic room, and Heather, before Hayden unplugged the AUX cord.

"Why did you do that?" Hailey said pouting
"Because your playlist is terrible.", Hayden said
"Ugh", Hailey said

While Hayden stopped to get gas I climbed into the front seat. When Hayden started the car, I connected my phone to the car's bluetooth. I started playing music and then jumped into the backseat before Hayden could drive away.

TIMESKIP( im lazy)

When we got back home I showed Hailey to the guest room. I helped her move the little bits of decorations that she brought from Michigan. When she was all settled I changed into a pair of shorts and a hoodie. Hayden went to the grocery store, while me and Hailey looked for room decorations online. We picked up some things for her room and some new clothes for her, since she didn't have alot of warm clothes. When we finished shopping, me and Hailey started talking.

"So what are your plans with your instagram page?", I asked Hailey.
"I don't know probably just pride posts", Hailey shrugged
"That's cool"
"Yeah, would be cooler if I had a girlfriend."
"I might be able to help with that.", I mumbled
"What was that?", Hailey asked
"God I hate you."
"Awwww cry", I said laughing

We talked for a little bit longer before Hayden came home. We helped Hayden unpack the groceries and then we all went to our rooms to sleep.

"Do you know any pretty and nice girls?", I randomly asked Hayden
"Are you being jealous right now?", Hayden asked back
"No I just want to find Hailey a girlfriend."
"Oh that makes sense, I don't really know any." 
"Ugh this is gonna be hard."
"Don't try to look for someone let them find Hailey."
"Your so stubborn"
"Shut up", I said leaning into Haydens arms.
"Goodnight Baby", Hayden whispers
"Goodnight", I whispered back before I fell asleep.

I woke up to the smell of bacon cooking in the kitchen. I got up and walked out into the kitchen to see Hailey making breakfast.

"Good morning Lyn"
"Morning Hales, you know you don't need to make breakfast you're the guest."
"Please I love cooking. It's really no problem, and I'm not the guest."
"What do you mean?"
"I live here."
"I thought you were moving back in like a month or two."
"That's so exciting!"
"I know"

Soon Hayden walked into the kitchen, we all talked about our plans for the rest of the day. About an hour later we all finished eating, and Hayden was washing the plates. While me and Hailey were talking there was a knock at the door. I got up to get it....

"Hey Adalyn....."

A/N: OMG THank you guys so much for 800 reads!

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