special! your first dance~♡

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(So in this special you aka y/n does talk, and Sullivan thought it would be fun to do a ball at the school, but cause of your parents you've never dance. So let's see how this goes~☆)

~y/n pov~

So just after school me and my brother went to our room but was stop by our grandpa as he call out to us "my dearest grandchildren!~♡"

We turn to look at him and gave him a smile "yes grandpa?" Iruma ask standing beside me "need something grandpa?" I ask softly "ah no but I wanted to say, that I decided that the school well have a ball coming up this weekend~" he said

I blink a few times both me and iruma look at him dumbfounded "a ball?" We both ask just thinking of toy ball was in our minds since we dont know what he means.

He only nods and gasp "oh yes! Your pathetic selfish parents never told you huh? Makes since I suppose" he said placing his hand under his chin "well a ball is a fancy dance for current events" he said

"Ah/oh" was all we said smiling confuse still "so..a dance really right? For what grandpa?" I ask kindly "oh! Just for fun of course plus it would be both of your first time going!" He said happily

Now we cant really say no even though he wasnt really asking 'hmm..I've never dance before but as long as we meet our friends there its going to be fun' they both thought and smile

They both nods their heads saying ok kindly "great! I'll get some dressers here for you two to dress up!~" he says happily and skips away cheerfully

"Shouldn't we also know how to dance?" Iruma asks before grandpa was completely gone, he rushes back "ah yes, hmmm I can maybe find two, one for you irum who well be a female and one for you y/n who well be a male" he says.

We then see him skip off happily 'a dancing teacher..hopefully it'll be alright' I thought

Both me and iruma went back to our room only to receive a text from a group chat with asmo and clara

(Ok so you aka y/n calls him asmo and iruma calls him azz ok?)


Asmo/azz: "hello master iruma and mistress y/n!~ did you hear about the ball from your grandpa?"

Clara: "yeah yeah! Did you hear! Did you!"

Iruma/big brother: "yes he told us not to long ago, but its mine and y/n first time. So he's going to find someone to teach us how to dance"

Me: "yes, I've never dance before..nor went to this ball thing.."

Asmo/azz: "what!? Well dont worry I well ask to teach you two myself! And-"

Clara: "happy fun time rocking booming dancing! Yay!~☆ i call dibs on dancing with iruma-kun and y/n-chichi!~☆"

Asmo/azz: "dont interrupt me when I'm talking to master iruma and my future wife y/n!"

The texting went on between them, I only tilt my head to what asmo said 'future wife?..I dont know if I'll be good enough..maybe I shouldn't go..'

~reader's pov~

Iruma look at y/n as she puts her devil phone down and sat on the bed "what is it y/n?" He ask her and sat beside her

"When asmo said wife..I keep thinking of our mom...what if I turn out to be like her?.." I hug my knees "maybe I shouldn't go..asmo is a handsome and kind guy..someone who I could never get if we live in the human world still.."

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