Starting your Story

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"When you write a story, you are telling yourself the story. When you rewrite, you're main job is taking out all things that are not the story. Your stuff starts out being just for you, but then it goes out."

- Stephen King

We all start our stories with ideas. Sometimes I start with a quote that the story is based around. Other times I start with a character that I want to write about. It just depends. Maybe you do it differently.

When I get a story idea, I think it's good to know what the ending is before you find out what is in the middle. Therefore, it's easier to allow the middle of your story to build up to the ending.

Now, you are probably saying, "Well, OBVIOUSLY!" But it isn't always that obvious. 

And even though it may be obvious sometimes, people still do it. I still do it! 

I wanted to write a fan fic thriller story about the Outsiders (you can check it out on my home page. It's called When Gold Turns Red), but I didn't know where I was going with the story. In the end, I had to discontinue it because I I had gotten myself in a knot that I didn't know how to get out of. 

Some of you might have been the same situation. And if you haven't, let me tell you, it's a terrible feeling.

Also, you want to develop a purpose to you story. It might just be as simple as you want to show what good friendship looks like. It could be bigger. For example, my story Goldie is supposed to help people who struggle with depression. 

One last thing: Music. It's always helpful to have inspiring music that translate emotions.

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