Voldemort meets my gaze, his crimson eyes staring into mine. I furrow them slightly in confusion and he shoots me a smile. 

So this was his plan.

I glance over, meeting Narcissa's eyes. She swallows thickly as she glances back at Draco with tears in her eyes. If he doesn't cross over he will die, we both knew that.

What I had neglected to realize, was that Harry was alive. I heard his heart beating, there was still hope, whether Draco crossed or not we still had a chance.

" Draco!" Lucius calls, glancing over at Voldemort as he does. A smile creeps onto his face as he looks at Lucius expectantly.

" Draco." He says again, his tone sounding defeated.

I glance at Narcissa when I feel her eyes on me and she nods towards him. I look back and see that he has no intentions of crossing over. I don't want to be the one to convince him and it seems, neither does she.

Hesitantly she steps slightly forward " Draco." she says softly. Automatically his eyes shift to her, a look of worry clouding them " Come." she says softly.

he hesitates in his spot, looking down, thinking. When his eyes come up they land on me, a pleading look in his eye, he doesn't understand.

I sigh, turning to glance at Narcissa as she looks hopefully at him. She turns to me with a look of worry, glancing back and forth between the two of us. Her gaze lands on him and her eyes soften, making me turn to look.

Draco carefully steps through the crowd, walking swiftly towards us with his eyes on his Mother.

Voldemort stops him in the middle to pull him into an awkward hug " Well done, Draco." he says. Draco nods before walking past him and joining his Mother who wraps an arm around his shoulder.

I start towards the three of them, only to be stopped by Voldemort. He smiles, his arm reaching out to grab mine as I almost walk past him. I stop in my tracks, unsure of what to do, my eyes looking up to Lucius for answers but even he looks confused.

He pulls me back to stand beside him and I look up at him curiously. He smiles down at me " You did good work Elliana, you deserve to be right here." he says in a mocking tone.

I furrow my brows slightly " Very well." I say, turning to face the crowd as he releases me.

I know why he wants me here, he's weak.

Harry has been killing horcruxes for almost a year, he even killed off himself to be rid of his own curse. 

The 'dark lord' was scared, his soul was weakened by the destruction of his horcruxes. He needed someone powerful by his side and he knew my capabilities. But why would he think that I would help him?

I glance behind me, noticing too late the death eaters that surround Draco. He looks at them curiously as the crowd seems to swallow him and his mother. All of the wizards surrounding them have their wands drawn.

It was a threat. 

Every death eater in the group had their wands away, the ones surrounding Draco and Narcissa had them out and ready.

I turn back, swallowing back the fear that wells up inside me. I glance over at Lucius to see if he's noticed, he has.

His eyes meet mine and I sigh 'I'm sorry' I mouth to him. His brows furrow in confusion as he glances back at his wife and son.

I turn back to see Neville stepping forward, he looks badly injured. He limps forward, holding the sorting hat in his tight grip, making me furrow my brows.

"Well, I must say I'd hope for better." Voldemort says, causing a chorus of laughter from the death eaters. I fake a small smile as he glances over at me "And who might you be, young man?" he asks calmly.

" Neville Longbottom." He mutters quietly, his eyes on the ground. I sigh quietly as I look him over, he looked to have lost his spirit, then again, what else had I expected.

"Well, Neville, I'm sure we can find a place for you in our rank." He says in a condescending tone, a smile on his face.

" I'd like to say something." He announces, finally looking up. My eyes meet his and they echo with disgust. I shake my head at him subtly, trying to dissuade him from whatever he's about to do.

I hear him grunt in frustration, clenching his fists at his sides "Well, Neville, I'm sure we'd all be fascinated to hear what you have to say." he says in an annoyed tone, trying best to keep his cool.

" Doesn't matter that Harry is gone-" He starts, being cut off by Seamus Finnegan " Stand down, Neville!" he says firmly.

" People die everyday! friends, family." He continues, staring off to the ground " Yeah..." he says, trailing off with a quiet sniff. He holds his head up, blinking rapidly before turning back " We lost Harry tonight, but he's still with us." he says, looking back at my classmates and professors " In here." he says his hand resting on his chest; gesturing to his heart.

" So as Fred, Tonks..." He says sadly, swallowing thickly as he looks up, meeting my eyes " Remus.." he says.

My heart drops to my stomach and I almost stumble back. I clench my fists at my sides, furrowing my brows angrily.

" All of them, they didn't die in vain." he says looking down sadly for a moment.

He looks up then, straight into Voldemort's crimson eyes with a look of pure rage " But you will, because you're wrong!" I see Voldemort's face light up in amusement " Harry's heart did beat for us, for all of us!"

" It's not over!" He shouts.

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