chapter 8

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Hana, Kageyama, and Yui all walk into the mall, both Kageyama and Hana looking around in amazement.

"Woah! So cool!" She says, her eyes wide.

"Yeah! Who knew this place was going to be so big!" Kageyama agrees, the two of them looking at each other and nodding aggressively.

"Have you guys never been to Tokyo or something? It's really not a big deal..." Yui questions.

"I've never been here." Kageyama admits.

"Me neither." Hana sighs, having Yui smile a bit.

"Me and Sumu will show you around. Also, Osumu, Suna, and Aran are with him. I hope you don't mind." She says, her long nails clicking across her phone screen as she types.

"It's fine!" Hana says.

"Oi, babe." The three turn around, catching the group of boys walking over. They were tall, and all scary looking. Kageyama's eyes light up at the sight of them, but he quickly looks away to hide them.

"Are you... fanboying right now?" Hana whispers, having him smack the back of her head.

"Oh don't be an idiot." He snaps, the group of boys stopping in front of them.

"Oh, hi Atsu. I was wondering where you were." Yui smiles slightly, the boy kissing her. Kageyama and Hana look away in disgust, Yui snickering at their action.

"Yer' right, she is pretty!" Atsumu says, leaning against Yui's shoulder and looking at Hana.

"Heh?" Hana asks, confused on why he would say something like that in front of his own girlfriend.

"Isn't she?" Yui agrees, the girl's face turning a light shade of pink.

Their trust is something else. They know they won't catch feelings for anybody else, so they can simply talk about other people's appearance and attributes without any jealousy. None at all. I have never envied somebody more. Me and Oikawa used to be like that.

"Babe, babe." The girl shoves Oikawa's shoulder, having him look up from his sandwich.


"Look how hot he is." She says, having Oikawa gaze at the boy walking out of the restaurant.

"You're so right. He even knows he's hot. Look at the way he's walking." Oikawa says, Hana bursting into laughter.

"I think you're more into him than I am." She giggles, his face flushing out.

"Shut up, I am not! You big idiot, I love you!" He says, the girl laughing harder.

Hana's eyes shook, an almost scared look on her face.

"Quit ignoring me you big dumbass!" Kageyama says whacking the back of her head again. She groans, snapping out of her thoughts.

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