New Years Revolution

Start from the beginning

"I have been perfectly fine!", I defended.

"You woke me up last night because you was crying over Coyote Ugly.", he deadpanned.

"It's a good film and I just..", I started only for Randy to give me a pointed look, raising a brow. "I'm pregnant leave me alone!", I exclaimed, Randy breaking out into laughter.


The main event - the Elimination Chamber match for the vacant World Heavyweight Championship - was underway.

Within the first ten minutes Benoit was already bleeding due to Triple H throwing him into the steel chains.

Randy came out third, instantly going after Triple H before RKO'ing Chris Jericho. Then he got caught in the cross-face by Benoit which literally had me holding my breath until it was broken after Triple H came into view and ended up being caught in the sharpshooter.

Heck, mostly everyone was bleeding with the exception of Randy and Edge - who had been eliminated from the match by a super kick from referee Shawn Michaels and a lionsault from Chris Jericho.

This match literally had me on the edge, internally screaming when Benoit jumped off of the pod to headbutt Triple H.

These guys are something else, I'll tell you that.

Batista came into the match, destroying everybody.

"The look on your face right now is one of pure fear of what's going to happen.", Trish said as she walked in the room, sitting beside me.

"Do you blame me?", I questioned as I let out a breath.

"Welcome to wrestling.", she laughed.

Batista had just spine-bustered Jericho onto Benoit, eliminating Benoit in the process. Then picked Jericho up for the Batista-bomb, eliminating him too.

Which leaves himself, Randy, and Triple H.

The double teaming started, Randy bleeding from the forehead as they threw him back into the ring before they continued the beatdown.

This was the part I dreaded.

I mean, it's rare you ever have to see your fiancé and future father of your baby get destroyed in a steel chamber structure but when it comes to WWE, ha..things like this are normal.

Welcome to the life of being a wrestlers fiancée, Melody.

Randy finally started fighting back, going back and forth between Batista and Triple H. Low blowing Batista before giving him and RKO, pinning him to seal the elimination.

"This is getting intense.", Trish commented as Orton and Triple H traded blows before going onto the steel, Randy throwing Triple H into the steel three times before he fell back into the ring as Randy signalled for the RKO.

Gosh, he may be sweaty and somewhat bloody but damn, Randy looks really good right now- I mean, what?

The sound of the bell being rung signalled the end of the match, breaking me out of my thoughts.

"Wait, what?"

"Godammit, Triple H.", Trish huffed leaning back into her seat, crossing her arms over her chest. "Damn good match though.", she grinned.

"What happened?", I asked.

Trish looked at me with a confused expression, "Wasn't you watching?", She asked in reply.

"I urm..I like phased out for a moment and..y'know."

Yeah, right..phased out. That's what we'll call it from now on.

"Well Batista tried to get back in the ring, distracting HBK as Ric came into the ring and tried to interfere but then HBK saw him and tried to get him out. As that was happening Batista destroyed Randy with a clothesline, order was restored, Triple H pedigreed Orton and got the pin.", Trish explained.

Well, damn.


"Hey.", I spoke in somewhat an awkward tone as I leaned against the doorway of the trainers room.

"Hey back.", Randy smiled as he finished getting patched up before the doctor walked away, dismissing him. Standing up he walked towards me, taking my hand in his before we headed down the corridor.

"You did so good tonight, although you had me practically dying throughout the whole time you were in there."

"Thanks.", he laughed. "Sorry for putting you through that though. I mean I wish I could tell you not to worry about it but you-"

"I always will.", I sighed, finishing his sentence.

"But hey, look at me-", he stopped walking, gesturing to himself. "I'm perfectly fine, aren't I?"

I reached up, touching the patch on his forehead, covering up where he was busted open in the match, "Yeah, just that and maybe some bruises here and there.", I smiled.

"If it makes you feel any better, Hunter looks horrible right now.", Randy smirked.

"Guess I really did get the better end of the deal then.", I replied causing Randy to laugh.

"Yeah, but I mean..I'm still kinda achy in some places.", Randy started causing me to roll my eyes playfully, I knew where this was going.


"Maybe you could help me shower?", he suggested, smirking.

This guy had just been through a hellacious match and now he was asking this.

"You really are something else.", I laughed as I walked away, leaving him standing in the corridor.

"What? Sex is good for the baby!"


Typical Randal humour, heh.

Anyways, sorry for such a long time in waiting for this update. Life problems, so yup. But I hope you guys enjoyed this part.

Also thanks for the 1K followers, idk where you guys came from or why you follow but uh, thanks. It's appreciated dearly.

Until next time, thanks for reading!

Love of a Legend Killer (Randy Orton/OC)Where stories live. Discover now