49. tempting

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Hyerin's POV

Finishing off grave of the fireflies I cried in an ugly manner as my boyfriend who was sitting just by my side didn't know what to do. He just stared at me in an awkward as I sniffled and sobbed due to the ending. Hiding my face with my hands I tried avoiding his gaze but the guy probably was more sad to see me cry instead of the sad movie. Not knowing what to do, Sunghoon pulled me into a big hug as I returned it immediately.

"Don't cry over a movie." He patted my back as I felt his shirt get wet due to my tears. "But it was so sad.." my shaky voice said out as he pulled away and cupped my cheeks. Wiping my warm tears away he kissed my forehead before looking back at me. "You're adorable Hyerin." Fluttering my heart with his words, my boyfriend noticed my flustered face as he let out a cute chuckle.

I tried ignoring him as my mind diverted to his wet shirt. Looking at the now see through shirt, I widened my swollen eyes. "Sorry.." feeling apologetic, I looked up at him with doe eyes as he noticed his wet clothes but immediately shook his head. "Hey.. it's fine. Atleast I'll know I was there to comfort my girlfriend."


Sunghoon's POV

"Oh my gosh Sunghoon focus." I blinked a couple times not giving any reaction other than just staring at the beautiful person in front of me. Resting my chin on my hand I gave a soft smile at Hyerin as she smiled back. Moving closer to her, I tucked her hair by her ear getting a better look at her face.

"Hoon, just cuz you're a good student, it doesn't mean you get to just sit and stare at me." She warned me once again as I chuckled opening my book before muttering, "Not my fault you're that pretty." Studying le sums I got distracted by someone pulling my shirt slightly as I looked up to see 3 girls standing.

"Uhm yea?" Raising my eyebrows I noticed Hyerin's confused face and then the girl's somewhat shy face. "We're from your school if you don't know. W-we just wanted to know if you could help us with these sums." The middle girl, with her raspy annoying voice said out while I contemplated with what to answer.

"I can help y'all." Lee Hyerin, like I guessed, volunteered as I noticed the girls' disappointed faces. Agreeing with my girlfriend I gave them a sweet smile before leaving the girls all alone to study.


Hyerin's POV

"I'm gonna miss you." Sunghoon said through the phone as I rolled on the bed in my grandpa's house. Well, basically I was skipping our study session today so the boy was all depressed bout going to study all alone. "I'll be back tomorrow though. Also ehem don't let anyone talk to you." I mentioned thinking about how that one group of girls wanted his help.

The guy laughed from the other side as I pouted. "Calm down they won't yeet me." Frowning I sighed. "Aight fine fine." Sunghoon's voice cheered me up as I giggled before we finally cut the call. "Hyerin I think I forgot something back in the house. Could you just go and bring it real quick?" My mom shouted from downstairs as I sighed rolling on my bed.

What's the use of skipping the study session when I've to go back to my house which is just by the library.


Sunghoon's POV

I sighed not looking at the girls in front as I kept doing my sums. "How do we do it oppa?" The cringe. I tried my best to shoo them away but they still managed to sit and ask for my help. Nodding I helped one of the girls with the work as the others started annoying me too. But I tried to act it all cool.

"Sunghoon?" Looking at the voice I mentally killed myself seeing Hyerin standing there all confused while holding her books. "H-hyerin-" the girl didn't look at me but grabbed one of the girls' phones from her hand showing it to me. "I meant it when I told you to stay from them." Her cold voice sent shivers down my spine as the phone showed pictures of me from different angles.

Damn I look good.

Nevermind. "I-i," before I could say anything Hyerin turned around leaving the place as I quickly followed the mad girl. "Hyerin hold on." Catching up to her I turned her around to face only to find her angry face staring at me. "Why act like you'll listen to me when you won't Sunghoon?" She let go off my grip before running to her house as I sighed.


Hyerin's POV

I shut myself in my room breathing heavily, feeling angry. He lied to me. And then got caught. It's annoying me a lot now. Looking outside I noticed the reddish sky as my phone rang up revealing a notification.

Sunghoon :
Baby please

I'm sorryyyy

Please talk to me

Don't be angry

I'm outside. Open the door please.

I still didn't answer but seenzoned him.

Sunghoon :
Jay said it's fun climbing
your girlfriend's room

So I'm gonna do it.

I panicked at the texts as I immediately looked down to see Sunghoon hanging by the wall while waving at me. "Hoon you're gonna fall." And I jinxed it. The guy slipped on the next step as I felt a loud bump on the ground.

He fell down. Rip.


Sunghoon's POV

I lowkey stared at the girl who applied medicine on my injured arm without saying anything. The silence was now making me awkward for real. "Won't you talk to me?" I asked out slowly but she didn't reply. Holding her hands, I got her attention as she sighed looking at me. "Talk to me."

Hyerin bit her lips and looked away angrily. "Sunghoon you didn't listen to me." She said out gritting her teeth as I noticed her adorable puffed up cheeks. Getting no reply the girl let out a frustrating breathe before looking away for a minute as my smile vanished slowly. "Sunghoon please-"

But I interfered her by locking my lips with hers as she flinched tightly closing her eyes. I caressed her cheeks deepening the kiss as she finally returned it back without being able to hold it in anymore. She held onto my shirt tightly keeping up with my speed as I pushed her lightly causing her to lean back a bit.

Pulling away I stared at her wet lips before meeting her eyes as we both let out big breathes. Cupping her cheeks I pecked her cherry coloured lips softly once again before pulling away.

"Babe you need to know you're the only girl that I actually pay attention to."

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Not y'all thinking chapter 48 was the last chapter 🤡

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Not y'all thinking chapter 48 was the last chapter 🤡

Eid mubarak to all my muslim readers!

Eid is tomorrow for me so ehem the last chapter will be posted tomorrow 🤤

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