Buenos Aires Argentina

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Carmen weaved through the crowd outside of the Sydney Opera house in hopes of finding Gray before the show started. She had texted him earlier and told him to wait outside, forgetting that their are normally their are huge crowds outside. So she slowly made her way inside.

She found Gray backstage. "Gray?" Slowly Gray turned around, his eyes immediately found Carmens. He ran to her and spun her around, Carmen giggled as he did. He put her down and held her close "Well hello, to you too." Carmen said as Gray pulled back a little. Gray chuckled "what's going on? You sounded scared when you called me." Gray looked at her with worried eyes. Carmen bit her lip and looked down "Um... ACME found out that uh... a few VILE operatives... escaped." Gray's normally carefree expression turned into worry, not for himself but for the women her loved. His hand cupped her cheek "Hey," He lifted her chin up, so their eyes meet.

"I'll never let them hurt you." His words made Carmens heart flutter "It's not me I'm worried about." Gray gave her a small smile, which she happily returned. "So what's the plan?" Gray asked.

"Well we think that VILE will most likely come after one of us and since they were locked up before I found my mom we think it it would be best to go to Buenos Aires Argentina and stay with her." Carmen explained. Gray nodded "sure. We should leave as soon as possible." Carmen nodded and they both stood up to leave.

Carmen and Gray walked down the street towards Gray's apartment. (Carmen had come in such a hurry that she hadn't had time to book a hotel) Gray unlocked the door and held it open for her " Such a gentleman." She teased. Gray blushed "Well one would have to be when around a lady as beautiful as you." Carmen blushed as she walked through the door

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⏰ Last updated: May 29, 2021 ⏰

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