Chapter Two - Rita's

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Lucien felt better having gotten it off his chest. To actually voice it to someone other than his reflection. He had agreed to give it a little more time. A month to be exact, but that was all. In truth, his self-esteem couldn't take it any longer.

Lucien thought he was used to that feeling of not being wanted, but obviously not. The longer the bond went unaccepted, the worse he felt. It also itched the scabs of old wounds. Things he thought he had gotten past. The one female who had chosen him, who he had loved and who loved him back, was taken from him and murdered by order of his own father no less.

When the cauldron birthed Elain as Fae, and the bond snapped into place for him, he believed he was being given another chance at being happy. He didn't ask for it. Hell, at the time, he didn't even want it. But he had as much choice in the bond as Elain did.

He sighed.

They forgot that her friends and family. They wrapped her up like she needed protection, like she was delicate and would break. Treated him like the bond was his fault. It wasn't. He didn't know Ianthe had betrayed them. That she had gone against Tamlin and had been working with the King of Hybern of Feyre's sisters, nor that he would do to them what he did.

Taking a deep breath he held it to the count of ten before letting it out. He needed to get out of this house and back to the place he was renting. Being here with her so physically close and yet so emotionally far was torture. Picking up his coat, he made his way to the front door.

"Lucien? Are you going to be sticking around for a bit? We are heading to Rita's this evening if you want to come?" He turned to find Mor leaning against the frame into the lounge.

Mor usually gave him space. She had been angry with him in the beginning after Feyre escaped Tamlin and the house just after they had returned from under the mountain. But as time passed over the two years they had talked it out. She gave him a piece of her mind, and he accepted what she had to say. She was right. He knew Tamlin was ignoring Feyre's trauma while dealing with his own and he hadn't done enough to help her. He hadn't been a good enough friend.

"I'm not sure my company there would be appreciated." He smiled sadly. He had tired of the façade he normally held, the appearance of not caring.

"Nonsense, we have hired it for the night. Cassian will be there, as will Gwyneth, Emerie, Nesta, and maybe Elain. And of course I will be there." She grinned and gave him a playful wink.

He found himself laughing a little. He liked Mor. She said what she thought, so you knew where you stood with her and the best part? After they had aired their grievances with each other, they had started to become friends. Not close friends like he was with Vassa and Jurian, but still friends. He liked her company.

"I dunno. Maybe I will stop by for a little while. I have a date with a book and a bottle of wine that I don't want to stand up."

She laughed at that. "Heaven's forbid you miss that excitement."

Having pulled on his coat, he tipped his imaginary hat to her before leaving and pulling the door closed behind him.


Standing outside Rita's Lucien found himself hesitant to step inside. He hadn't really been out socializing in Velaris, but he had heard Mor mention this place a few times. It appeared to be a regular of hers from what he gathered. He was about to chicken out and leave when he felt a tap to the shoulder.

"Sorry, can I get past, please? You are blocking the way."

He turned to find a petite female standing behind him. He stuttered, finding himself robbed of words. She was breathtaking. Not in the way Elain was, no. Elain was beautiful before as a human, but as a fae, she was stunning. But this stranger was something else entirely.

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