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"The purple balls go in the purple basket, not the blue," Jimmy said, scratching his head, "I'm sorry, I'm being too hard on you. How about you take a break? The show's about to start,"

You shrugged, being used to getting simple things like that wrong, "Yeah, sure,"

Walking over to where your sisters were stationed, a smile crossed your face. You knew as soon as you set foot at Fräulein Elsa's Cabinet of Curiosities that they'd outshine you, after all you weren't the one with two heads. What angered you is how they were getting exploited. They weren't some marvel to see, not some freak. No, they were your sisters. And you loved them with all your heart.

"Oh, look at you, aren't you pretty," Bette's face lit up when she saw you, this was the most excited you'd ever seen her.

Dot on the other hand looked like every moment that she was on the premises was killing her.

You walked over to where they were sat, and handed them the perfume. Their dressing table looked lavishing, as if Marilyn Monroe herself was meant to be sat there.

"I'm wearing what I always wear, I look the exact same," You chuckled, smiling at the pair, "You two on the other hand look like movie stars,"

And they did. Adorning a beautiful lilac dress, you couldn't help but stare in astonishment. Their blush cheeks and raised lashes reminded you of the women you used to see on the front cover of magazines.

Suddenly, Jimmy ran into the tent, "Girls, the show's about to begin,"

Your sisters took the hint and packed their things away, finally making their way to where the show was.

It was just you and Jimmy in the tent. Giving you a small smile, he walked over, "I told you to take a break,"

"I couldn't just not help my sisters get ready," You said, returning the smile, "Besides, I've had twenty four years of a break. I think that's long enough,"

"I can talk to Elsa about getting you a bigger part in the show. I'm sure we can find your hidden talent,"

You snickered, "You saw me earlier, I don't even know my blue's from purple's. Backstage is where I belong,"

Even though you hated saying it, you knew that it was true. You didn't have a beard, nor two heads, or were the smallest person in the world. You were just, well, you.

The two of you walked over to where the show was. Jimmy went with all the other performers while you sat on a barrel at the side of the stage. No one would be able to see you, but you could see everyone else. It was the way you liked it.

Your eyes instantly darted around the audience. For the entire show being booked out, it was awfully empty. There was only a young man and an older lady, who you presumed to be his mother. Or maybe he was just into older women, you didn't judge. He looked to be in a sulk.

The show droned on and on. To be honest, you were getting quite bored. When the spotlight shone on your sisters, your attention got picked up. You were now sitting up straight.

You could see someone else's eager expression. The boy in the audience. He was definitely into Bette and Dot, you thought to yourself. Then you thought about how he was probably a pervert, he seemed like the type. Two women at once seemed like the fantasy for men like him.

When the show finally ended, you went backstage to clean up. This was your first day on the job, and you already hated it. As long as your sisters were happy, it was worth it, you assured yourself.

"How'd you like the show?" Jimmy grinned, patting you on the back, "Let me give you a hand with those boxes,"

He helped you carry the boxes from the stage to backstage as you spoke.

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