Ohm - Ambush

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Ohm just got back from Kao's pack. Kao is his bestfriend. It's become a habit to visit each other once in a while.

Looking at window, he can't help but feel a little envy to Kao. Kao already found his mate, Earth. It's pretty unbelievable actually, Kao met Earth when Kao is 11 years old and Earth is 9 years. Back then, everyone keep saying that Kao just taking care of Earth because of pity but Kao prove them wrong. He chuckles every time Kao fuss over Earth.

Ohm sighs, his already 21 years old but still haven't his mate. According to his mom, as early as 18 years old, one can find his mate.

His thoughts suddenly stop when a sound of a gun was heard and the car his riding with sway in the road. One of the guard in the passenger seat dive the wheel and stop the car.

Minutes later, men in black surrounded  the car. He look around. They are about  20 to 25 mens. The three guards become alert. Looking in the mirror, he gritted his teeth when he saw the driver  dead. A headshot.

"Stop. Don't fight. I'm the one that they need", Ohm said.

"But Prince -"

"I'll talk to them. I rather be captured then see another member of palace dead", Ohm said seriously.

Ohm sighs and step out of the car. Once his out, two guys grab him. The othera pointing the gun in the car. He growl after, the blue surrounding his eyes appears. Throw the two guys holding him. Run towards the guy shooting the car, elongated nails - he swipe it to cut the arms holding the guns.

Some of the guys suddenly on the ground meaning some of them are werewolves. Blood flows from the car which make Ohm angrier, changing to his black wolf form.

He bite, scratch, growl and rip the men in black apart. Some of men turn into wolves, not submitting to him. Ohm growl. Rogues. They fought each otjer until he felt a certain sting in his leg. A needle. He runs, he know that he needed it before the drug that was inject in him take effect.

He reaches a forest, limping, he looks around when he smell something. The mouthwatering smell, a combination of vanilla and grass. Smell so sweet and refreshing.

Ohm heard steps as if running towards his direction. The wind blows and smell grow stronger. He walk through the bush and there a guy standing.

Their eyes met. The guy steps forward after looking at him but stops midway when he growl.

The guy whimper, looking down. After a few minutes he heard a whimper again, he sniff and realises that the smell coming the guy. His mate and he growl at him. His probably thinking he doesn't want him.

The thoughts of accidently hurting his mate makes him whine. His mate look up and look at him as he walks towards to him.

Ohm heard a cute gasps when he change back to his human form. His mate look at the wounds and tears starting to fall from his eyes upon.

"Don't cry, my mate", he softly said while wiping gently the tears away before he can say another words, he black out.

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