Team Phoenix

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(Morning melodies )

(In the school corridor , Andy and Scott talking and they notice Zara is coming to them so happy )

Andy : Good morning Zara !

Scott : Good morning .

Zara : Good morning guys .

Andy : Why so happy ?

Zara : After the Guardian says that Carol's power didn't return , she definitely would be alive .

Andy : Sure we will find her .

Scott : Did you done your homework?

Zara : Yes , why ?

Scott : I just need to write down some questions , can you ?

Zara : Get another guy .

Oh man I forget to submit the project !

I have to go .

(Zara run from the place to submit it )

Scott : Hey wait !

(Scott follow her too)

Scott : Hey Zara wait !!!!

(At the time in the hurry Zara hit a person and she is about to fell down but that person catch her )

Zara : Huh ?

(She see him for the first time in that school . In her view , he is seem to be a music band guy )

Person : Are you alright ?

(She has no words to say , after he lift her up )

Person : Excuse me are you alright ?

Zara : Yeah thank you .

Person : Don't mention it.

Zara : Sorry to hit you.

Person : It okay no problem .

(Scott see all of this, being jealous and angry as always )

Person : By the way , the name 's Zag McCallister .

Zara : Zara . Zara Frost.

Zag : It's you , I have been searching for you the whole school.

Zara : Really ! Ah..why ?

Zag : I heard you are a great singer .

Zara : Oh...

Zag : Is something wrong ?

Zara : No It's nothing ....

(Scott interrap between Zara and Zag )

Scott : She has no time for that .

Zag : I am sorry who is he ?

Zara : He's my Friend .
Scott Jackman .

Zag : Oh glad to see you Scott.

Scott : Me too .

Zara you were about to submit the project.

Zara : Oh thanks to remind me Scott.

Zag : Please wait ! If you are interested to sing in our band call me, here is my number .

(Zara take his card )

Zag : Thank you have a great day .

Scott : Are you alright , what's the matter Zara ?

Zara : Nothing , I will tell you later.

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⏰ Last updated: May 17, 2021 ⏰

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