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"Okay, but how do we get past the giant guards with the giant knives?" Carlos asked as Chloe nodded her head as all of them held there arms out "I promised myself I would never show anyone this." Gustavo told them as he turned around flipping over one of the awards as they all furrowed there brows wondering what he was doing and as he pressed a button a secret passageway opened.

Then Gustavo pulled out a lantern and pieces of paper as Kelly, Chloe and the guys were confused "you'll need to answer these three riddles to make it to street level. Now, go!" Gustavo told them as Kelly pushed them and Carlos grabbed the lantern while Logan grabbed the riddles "go on. Get out of here." Gustavo told them as James, Kendall and Chloe passed him.

Chloe and Kendall were the last to leave as they waited in the tunnel and looked at each other then ran after the guys.

They were all still running even when they made it back to the Palm Woods seeing Katie "hey, Katie!" Carlos said as he ran by her "hey!" James also said smiling "we are so not getting married!" Logan told her as Kendall and Chloe tapped her on the head continuing to run as Katie looked back, Logan, Carlos and James were waiting by the elevator as Chloe and Kendall ran by "take the stairs!" They yelled not even stopping as they ran towards them.

All of them screamed up until they all got into the apartment and Carlos leaned against the door "we made it. And we're still single." Carlos told them as Kendall sighed in relief pulling Chloe closer to him as Carlos ran over "we are so not ready for marriage." Logan told them as Kendall and Carlos shook there heads no.

"No matter how great a prince I would have been." James told them as Chloe began to laugh "where are you going with this?" Kendall asked as Carlos looked towards him as Chloe was trying to keep in her laughter "I'm just saying I think she would have picked me. I always thought I'd make a great prince. I think she picked up on that." James told them.

As Chloe stepped forward "oh, totally she probably did." She told him as all the guys looked at her in shock while James got all smug "just like how I totally did not pick up on how pretty you were and how in your little fantasy of your's I was your future wife!" Chloe told him as the guys started to laugh and James looked shocked "and if your stupid enough to not stay in here like Gustavo says and try and feel out if it would've been you." Chloe told him doing hand gestures "then I hope you are so happy when you have to get married and get to become a prince." She told him, shaking her head.

As Kendall pulled her back "we're going to do what Gustavo said, no matter if Chloe thinks James will do otherwise." Kendall told them as he turned to the girl "which is stay here, lay low, and keep away from the pretty, pretty princess." Logan told them as Carlos looked at all of them "all in?" He asked as the guys all put there hands in "ohh, not getting married." They all said but by the time the boys pulled there hands up, James was gone and Chloe was shaking her head laughing.

"Umm, guys." Chloe told them as she seemed to get Kendall's attention "where's James?" Kendall asked as Chloe looked to them "probably out, living his, I would totally be the prince fantasy." Chloe told them as they all looked at her with wide eyes "find him!" Carlos yelled as Kendall grabbed Chloe and they all ran off.

By the time they found James as they ran through the lobby, he was with the princess, the guards and the king as all of them looked at him with wide eyes besides Chloe "what did you do?" Logan asked pointing at James as he pointed to the white rose "I just gave her a rose." He told them.

"And in our country, that is a marriage proposal." The king told them as he walked over to James "internet! Now!" Kendall told them as they all pulled out there phones trying to find it "ooh, I got it. I got it." Carlos told them as Chloe and Kendall leaned in "it is tradition in Kurplankistan for the suitor to present one white rose upon marriage proposal." He told them as Chloe looked to James.

Big time breakthroughHikayelerin yaşadığı yer. Şimdi keşfedin