Start from the beginning

"And how do we do that?" He asked as James looked at him but Kendall seemed to have a plan "you have a plan, don't you?" Chloe asked as he turned to her "you know me, So, well, and we do it by giving her the greatest Mother's Day gift of all." Kendall told them as Carlos face lit up.

"A bouncy house?" Carlos asked as Gustavo and Chloe looked at him confused "piece and quiet." James asked as Chloe shook her head "a song." Kendall told everyone "but no any song." He then stood up "the mom song." And everyone Oohed as Gustavo looked inspired.

"Yes. I'll write an amazing Mother's Day song. James's mom will fall in love with the song." Gustavo began as Logan got off the couch "she'll cry, realize she's being selfish and that James belongs in BTR and not the family cosmetics company." He told them as Kelly pointed at him and Gustavo held his hands up getting into music mode.

"The song starts slow, on the piano." Gustavo told them and soon it was done and Kelly, Chloe we're sitting with James mom while the boys sang in the booth.

"Mom, here's a song that's just for you
A card that says, "Thanks for all that you do"
You know you're so special in so many ways
And now that you're here, we'd just like to say...
Thank you for all of the love you give me
It stays inside and forever, lives with me
And thank you, mom, for the little things that you do
You wipe my nose and bleach all of my white clothes
Thank you for all of the hugs and kisses
You're better than a fairy at granting wishes
Like making soup just appear and oatmeal cookies too
You have the power to make us take a shower
So don't forget your mom on her special day
Pick her up some flowers, put your toys away
And make her a card or knit her a scarf
She wipes off our tears
And cleans up our barf
(And cleans up our barf)
Thank you for all of the love you give me

Chloe thought she could see the woman crying but she wasn't so sure if it was the song remembering what happened to Mrs Knight a couple minutes ago.

It stays inside and forever, lives with me
And thanks again for the little things that you do
You sew our buttons and toast us English muffins
You know just what to say to make nightmares go away
A personal physician who picks up our prescriptions
And you love us when we're wrong
That's why we sing the "We Love You, Mom" song"

She then ran towards James as Kelly and Chloe followed "that was the greatest Mother's Day gift I've ever gotten." She told James squeezing his face as everyone was smiling "So you'll let me stay?" James asked as the woman began sobbing "no." She told him.

"But your crying." Kelly told her as Chloe leaned towards her "I don't think that's why." She told her as the woman stopped crying and pulled up a package "I applied Brooke Diamond revitalizing eye cream before I came her today." She told them as Kelly turned to Chloe who shook her head.

"I just remembered Kendall's mom screaming." Chloe told her as she nodded her head "the burning means its working." Mrs Diamond told them as Chloe furrowed her brows "go grab your things. Our flight leaves at 5:00." Mrs Diamond told James and then left as everyone looked shocked and Carlos and Kelly smacked there hands against there foreheads.

James was frozen again as they had him back in the booth "Gustavo, when I said anytime, I didn't really mean it." Lita told them as they all motioned her to play and covered there ears as James went flying again as the boys helped him up "it's no use. She's the most powerful mom in the universe." James told them.

"Why can't your dad just talk her into letting you stay?" Kelly asked as Chloe motioned forward "they don't talk anymore since the divorce and since dad remarried a woman 15 years younger." James told them as Kelly yelled "well, I don't blame him!" And all the boys moved back as Chloe moved towards Gustavo.

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