"Okay, Okay! from now on! I will call you, babe. You were calling me Baby! Me calling you babe!! is that okay with you?" I smilingly asked him. It looks so amusing to see how his facial expression suddenly changes in an instant. He seemed so happy again.

He gets up on his seat and quickly went near me. He held both of my cheeks and kissed me. It's was just a peak, but why does it feel like it's enough to make my heart beat so fast all over again.

He has this much effect on me!! God!! I'm so in love with him!!! He goes back in, laying on my lap

"Ba-be" Gosh!! This is so awkward!!

"What is it, baby??" He is smiling so wide while asking me this

"hmmm, I have a request to you?" I said to him. I forget to tell him about this, but I know I need to. I don't have a choice.

"What is it, baby? Anything. I will do everything for you!!" He smilingly said to me.

"Uhmmm, Can we make our relationship a secret first?" I hesitantly said to him. He looked shocked upon hearing what I said that he goes back in, sitting up and looking at me like he is asking me what I mean.

"Uhmmm, it's not that I'm embarrassed about you and us." Gosh! How do I say that I will not make him feel bad or hurt? He went closer to me, he held my hands, then looked at me intently

"So, what do you mean that we need to hide this first. You have no idea how much I'm excited to tell everyone that you are mine now. Please tell me, baby, I promise whatever it is I can understand." He smilingly said to me.

"Uhmmm, it's about my twin babe!" I said to him.

" So what about him, baby?" He asked me.

"It's because I have to think of a way to tell him about us first without hurting him. He hates you and your group so much, babe!! I have to tell him first before he will know about it from other people. I don't want to hurt my Twin. Don't be offended over this, but he is the most important person in my life. I can't take it if he is going to be angry at me because of you!! I promise I will tell him. It's just that I want to wait for the right moment." I sadly said to him. I don't want to pick between him and Aris because I know for sure whom I'm going to choose, but one thing is for sure, I'm going to be hurt if ever I decide one of them.

"I understand, Baby, but if It's okay. May I know why does your twin hates us that much? I don't remember his name being our uhhhh before." It's kind of cute to see that he couldn't say that plaything word again in front of me but before. I can't remember how many times they call me that name.

"Uh hmmm, Babe! Can we talk about that some other time? It's depressing for me to remember. I promise I will tell you but not now. I don't want to ruin this moment." I smilingly said to him. He smiled back at me. He held my cheeks before speaking again.

"Okay, baby!! I would wait until you can tell him about us but for now. I want to do this." I was about to ask what is it, but the next thing I knew is that he already claimed my lips again. He was holding the back of my head. I was so shocked at first, but then I slowly opened my mouth, letting his tongue enter and explore every part of my mouth. We are kissing like there is no tomorrow savoring each other taste and sweetness.

The way he is kissing me is like he is sucking the life out of me. I was following his lead cause I'm not sure if I'm doing okay about this. My arms unknowingly snaked on his nape, pulling him closer to me. I was like having my brand of the drug. It's making me go insane!! Insanely happy!!

After a few minutes of none stopped kissing, I was automatically awakened when I felt that his hands are already traveling to my lower body. I instantly push him to stop him. He looks like a drunken man when we let go that he is following my lips to claim me once's again, but I stopped him

"Damon!!" I shouted at him. I'm not angry. I'm just stunned. He looked like he is finally awakened from his dream too. He seemed so shocked upon realizing what he did. He went closer to me and held my hands

"OH! God! I'm sorry, baby!! I didn't mean it. I was just." He looks so sorry and guilty so what I did is I put my fingers into his lips to stop him.

"It's okay, babe! I understand. Just don't do it again, especially now that we are just starting. I want to take this slowly even though we started fast. I don't want to rush things." I smilingly said to him. He suddenly pulled me into a tight hug

"I'm sorry again! I promise. It will not happen unless you gave me the signal that you are ready!! This is enough for me, baby!! More than enough!! I love you!! I love you so much!" He said to me.

I hug him back to calm him down cause he feels and sounds like he was scared that he might lose me or I might be angry with him

"I love you too. Thank you for understanding me." I smilingly said to him

We remain to hug each other like this, feeling each other warmth for, I don't know how long.

To be continued


Is this the start of something good for these two or more complications!!

What do you think is it.

Comment and Votes are so Welcome.

Love lots


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