Now it's official. Me and Julian have broken up. He can now go out with Rebecca considering they've already kissed. I was balling my eyes out while sitting on the floor with my head in my hands and knees to my chest. All the boys came running in including WAT and Bella. Will ran straight over to me and gave me a massive hug. He lifted me up so I could sit on his lap. I leaned my head against his chest and cried into his shirt. I saw Jayden walk over to me and he started to try comfort me. After a while I got up and I saw Luke standing about 2 metres in front of me. He put his arms out and I ran straight into them. I was so devastated with what Julian did to me. I really want to be with him but I can't if he's gonna do this to me. Why did he even kiss my best friend in the first place anyways. 

I felt my phone vibrate in my back pocket. I took it out while still in Luke's arms and read the caller id. It was Rebecca. I dropped my phone on the floor. I heard Will answer the call. Why did he answer. I had no idea why he answered but I just let him. "Rebecca" I heard Will say into the phone. They started talking and then Julian came in. He saw me crying in Luke's hug. Everyone including Will came over to be to hug me except Julian. Will of course picked me up. I hugged him and said "I love you Will !!! The best brother I could ever have and Cooper !!! I can't choose between you two amazing people in my life." Everyone started saying "Awww" even Julian. I'm surprised. 

Julian wanted to talk to me alone so we eventually got everyone to get out. Took a while to get Will out. He wouldn't let me be alone with him. I kept saying I'd be fine and he finally trusted me. Like seriously.

Julian started talking and I just listened. I actually couldn't talk to him. It was too much effort. "Look Nicole. I wasn't the one who kissed her, she pulled me to her and kissed me. I tried to pull away but she just pulled me closer to her. That's all that happened. It may have looked liked I had kissed her back but I didn't !!! Please believe me babe !!! I LOVE YOU WITH ALL MY HEART !!!!!!! You're my babe, bubba, bub, baby !!!!!!" I seriously missed being called babe, bubba, bub and baby by him and all the other names he calls me but those are the main names. I missed him so so so much. I still love him even after what happened !!! I felt my eyes start to tear up. I quickly wiped my eyes but then I burst into tears. Julian kept wiping my tears away. I miss him wiping my tears away. I miss him kissing me definitley. I miss him loving me and caring for me. I miss everything about him so so so much. "I believe you and I forgive you. As long as you don't do it again otherwise I WILL get my brother to smash you for me. Understood ???" He nodded. "And I LOVE YOU TOO BABE WITH ALL MY HEART !!!!!!! Do you know how much I missed you, being called babe, bubba, bub, baby and all the other names you call me, you kissing me, you wiping my tears away, you loving and caring for me. I missed everything about you !!!!" He wiped my tears away, hugged me tightly and gave me the most passionate kiss ever.


Yayyayyyy we're back together again. Thank god. I wouldn't be able to live without her. I would just go die if I didn't have her anymore.

We walked downstairs hand-in-hand. Everyone saw us and cheered. Will and Luke got up and ran to Nicole to give her a massive hug. I got a massive hug from Trent. Then everyone joined for group hug. Ronan came in and asked for all the groups to come to the stage for last minute rehearsals. So that meant us boys, What About Tonight and Fortunate had to go do rehearsals. Nicole came with us. She was so cute she didn't want to leave us. As we got to go the stage I tried to let go of her hand but she held it tighter and turned to face me. She kissed me and we heard Ronan clear his throat. We laughed as we headed our separate ways. Nicole said to him "I don't like leaving him !!! Oh and Will but he wasn't near me so I couldn't hug him !!" We all laughed at her even she laughed. She was so cute when she laughed.

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