insert every death

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This is just mainly for reference

Just for anyone to find how a state in this world died

So this is just the first bit depression

It's a lot


Alabama - Inhaled toxic fumes
Had been drafted into ww1 and was slowly killed due to the chemical warfare going on. It was very painful, and if he could talk he definitely would've just asked for someone to end it already.

Alaska - Hypothermia
Got forgotten outside in a blizzard and couldn't find any warmth fast enough. He started to lose sight of where he was because of the snow, accidentally wandered far from where any house or shelter could've been, and eventually lost consciousness on the snow. He was just barley found on the edge of a nearby forest, buried under quite a bit of snow that gathered after he'd collapsed.

Arizona - Heat stroke
Died of heat stroke when he was left alone and outside his settlement. He'd gotten pretty delusional after a while, only to end up staying outside longer, and passed out on the ground before dying.

Arkansas - Drowned
Had been swimming at a nearby lake, and accidentally went out too far. Although there had been a decent amount of people by the lake, no one noticed what happened until it was too late, and no one could get to him on time. It was definitely a more sudden death, as he was terrified when he realized that he might actually die there.

California - High fever
At first his fever was manageable. Sure his family complained about having to deal with it, but he was still being cared for. But soon they became more and more neglectful, and abandoned him, leaving him alone in the house for multiple days while they went away.

Just to add salt on the wound, because of how high his fever was, he was both confused and loopy for most of the fever. The only time he somewhat snapped out of it, was the night he'd eventually die in, where he started sobbing when he realized that no one was coming back for him.

Colorado - Overdose
Wether it was purposeful or accidental is up for debate. He /did/ mean to take as much as he did, but also didn't plan or think it would kill him. This was also all after his classes had end, and his 'friends' were just being absolute dicks to him. He was found dead by a river bank the next morning.

Connecticut - Dehydration
Was grief stricken by the death of both of his brothers. He couldn't care for himself because of his mental state, and his remaining family didn't bother to help him through it. He died in his room while his father was home, who found his a few days later when he finally decided to check on him.

Delaware - Poisoned
Was poisoned at a local bar, and didn't realize what was happening until it was too late. He called for a ride home, and only started to feel the symptoms once he'd gotten home. Thinking that it was just a bad reaction to the food he'd gotten, he tried to sleep it off, but quickly realized the pain was just getting worse.

Florida - Fell off a building
Was being a reckless son of a gun, and was balancing on the edge of a building. It was definitely one of the more tamer things he'd done in his life, but it was the thing that ended up killing him. Some wonder wether he was secretly hoping that he would fall, and that it wasn't just an accident. This is supported by the fact that it was almost right after Loui's death.

Georgia - Tuberculosis
Was raised in the time where tuberculosis was considered fatal, and was not wealthy enough to be able to afford anything to help. He spent his last few days just in his bed, just writing in a journal he had, all the way leading up to the his last day.

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