01. | Giving Back

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Christmas Day

Decatur, GA 📍

"Hey Brandy!!" Giselle says talking to her daughter on FaceTime.

"Hey mom I love the morning glow, and love the cute earrings!" Brandy said sitting on the Island. 

Giselle was always looking her best even waking up she never looked bad she was taking good care of her body and health.

"Aww thanks baby so what are my two favorite girls and grandson are up to on this lovely holiday?" Giselle asked fixing herself some coffee.

"Nothing I think me and China going to stay home and cook something here besides Durk Is getting all of his kids to come over and open up their gifts!" Brandy says with a sigh.

This was the twentieth time she was going to celebrate her favorite holiday without her mom and It felt a little strange to her In a way.

"Now, why do that sounds like you're throwing shade a little Brandy" Giselle chuckled drinking her coffee.

Brandy looked back at her and shrugged. "Well maybe because you won't be here I just wanted all of us to spend this holiday together but Instead It feels like we're divided and you know we've been planning this moment ever since China moved down to Atlanta!!" Brandy says as Giselle nodded. 

"I know I'm very sorry but we've to respect that come on Brandy you know how your sister loves her man kids to death!" Giselle said as Brandy rolled her eyes again.

"Yeah I know but you're well just as family to" Brandy commented as her nephew Kameron came to sit by her.

"Yeah I am but I try too give people there space If that's what she wants to do then fine It don't bother me at all and It shouldn't get too you either sweetie, Aw is that my grandbaby?" Melinda says cooing.

"Mhm. I guess you right, and yes It is he just woke up, say hi too your grandma Kameron" Brandy said putting the phone on Kameron.

"Hi Grandma!" Kameron says waving at her.

"Hi love you" Giselle said looking at her grandchild.

Just then the doorbell rung when she was on the phone she Immediately forgot that one of her best friends she been knowing since College was coming over to see her.

"Oh gotta go that's probably Auntie Michelle I'll talk to you later sweetie" Giselle said smiling.

"Okay bye Mom!!!" Brandy said waving before ending the call.

"Aw, bye!" Giselle said hanging up.

She sat her phone down and walked to the door to get It she finally opened the door to see Michelle standing at the door with her brown coat on while her curly hair hang down to her shoulders with red lipstick and sunglasses on.

"Hey Giselle what you been up to?" Michelle says giving her a hug. 

"Hi, Chelle nothing much just been working and writing on a new story, oh girl you're going to love this new one when It comes out too so how's your day been so far?" Giselle said to her friend.

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