Chapter one

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Emrys POV

Ugh I hate this.

I don't understand why Mason can't have his mom watch his stupid cat instead of his 17 year old best friend. How irresponsible of him. And the thing doesn't even like me! You can tell by the load of scratches on my arms and lower legs. Stupid ginger cat. He should respect me for taking care of him while Mason is away. I'm the one who feeds him and cleans his litter box.

The demons name is Carlos but it should have been chubs by the look of him. He is currently glaring at me with his little beatty eyes. If looks could kill I would be dead.

Believe it or not he used to be nice to me and I loved having him around. But now he was just a mean, stupid, ginger cat. How all of his hatred started was about a year ago. I was walking down the stairs of the pack house and he randomly out of no where starts to rub against my foot...while I was walking. So when I raised my foot he went with it. Right down the stairs. Its not my fault. Its his for walking over my foot.

But anyways, I was sitting on my bed watching the fat, little gremlin glare at me. Waiting for me to come down so that he could jump at me and rip my legs to shreds. But I really need to use the bathroom because I drank a bunch of pop an hour ago. And the bathroom in my room is currently broken and the reason I'm grounded. Which is so unfair. I didn't get to go with mason or my slightly older brother Oliver. I'm sure I'm not the only one who tried to flush a shirt down the toilet to hide the alcohol smell from my dads and brothers. Right?

The only other option at the moment was the pack bathroom downstairs. My dad and 2 of my 3 brothers are in a meeting down there with another packs alpha. I'm not allowed to be in pack business like meetings because I'm "HuMaN aNd FrAgIle". I'm not a glass, I'm not going to break if you push me over.

But anyways, I literally can't just go down there because of Mason's stupid cat so now I have to think of a different approach. Ok I've got it. I'll jump on my dresser then open my door and slide out before the Carlos can get to me. Sounds like a great plan.

So I jumped to the other dresser in my room and opened the door. I hurried and tried to shut the door before he got out but in the process he managed to slip out with me. So I did what came to me naturally in a fight or flight response.

I ran.

I ran down the stairs and straight through the living room while I still had Carlos on my tail. I seen that my dad and brothers were in a pack meeting there. Oh crap I forgot that the meeting room was getting repainted. Well shit.

I didn't stop though. Because if I stopped I would get my legs scratched even more than they already are. I finally made it to the bathroom and shut the door. Ha that stupid cat can't get in here. But I'm also not going to leave until Mason gets back from Paris today. Maybe then he'll see what I have to deal with whenever he's gone and leaves me with his cat.

Apollo's POV

I was sitting in the what looks to be the living room and talking to the alpha of the blue moon pack. The alpha was accompanied by the Luna and there two sons along with the beta of the pack.

"Alpha Apollo my pack and I would be honored to have you and your pack as allies if you except the offer." Alpha Derek of the blue moon pack said, his Luna beside him. I don't think I want to allie our packs. I hold the strongest pack in all of north America. I earned the title by showing no mercy, and being ruthless. I kill rouges on spot to protect my pack.

"What would benefit my pack from this?" I asked in all seriousness.

"Well you would have an extra pack at your side in case of a war."

"I think my pack and I have it covered in case of a war. And I have enough members in my pack no need for another pack to join." I said with a stern expression. Alpha Derek's husband must have sensed his frustration and grabbed his hand, and spoke up.

"Maybe its time for a break. Alpha Apollo, I couldn't help but notice that your mate isn't with you?" Luna Miles asked. I smiled kindly at him. He seems like a very kind Luna.

"Sorry Luna miles, but I haven't found my mate yet." I said respectfully. He looked at me and was about to say something when in the middle of the conference in the living room, there was a squeal and a small boy came running across the room followed by a furious looking ginger cat. Although the other members of the blue moon pack smiled as if it was normal. I smelled an amazing smell as soon as the boy ran by.


All of a sudden my wolf jumped with joy. I heard a door open and slam shut with the cat meowing aggressively. I wanted to go to him but first I need to know who he was. Before I got the chance to ask Luna miles beat me to it.

"I'm sorry about that. This happens more than you think. That cat really does not like him." Luna miles said chuckling to himself.

"Who was that boy?" I asked looking serious. Alpha Derek and his both of his sons looked angry.

"Why do you want to know?" One of his sons asked.

"Alpha Derek I agree to be allies with your pack in exchange for that boys name." I said maintaining eye contact with him.

"Well that would be our fourth son. We have the boys here and our other is on a trip. But that is the youngest. His names Emrys. May I ask why you wanted to know that?" Asked Luna miles with a smile on his face.

"That boy is my mate." I said with confidence. I heard three growls from alpha Derek and his sons. I didn't care very much because they were just being protective over there son and brother.

"Oh..." Luna miles said. "We didn't expect him to find a mate." The Luna says looking confused.

"Every wolf has a mate Luna miles." I said also a bit confused.

"Well Emrys is not a wolf actually."

"What do you mean by that? What is he?" I asked.

"He's a–" there was a slight squeal at the doorway and the small boy, my mate, was being carried in by a larger boy. My small mate had his legs wrapped around the boys waist as the larger boy carried him in the room we were in. While another boy walked in smiling at the sight. I assumed he was the Alpha and Luna's other son that was away. But I wasn't focused on him that much but more on the boy holding my mate.


So this is a new story my friend and I will be working on. I hope you enjoy. Feel free to leave any tips or any ideas you may have.

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