I stare in surprise and she smirks at me, "You got my back?"

"I've got your back," I nod and our eyes connect. This is real trust. Thank god I have her.

Suddenly, we hear a loud crash and yell come from inside. Is that our cue?

"Now!" Tory says and I front kick the door open.

Tory and I walk in. I take in the environment. Of course it's fancy inside, too. Right in front of us, Sam and Miguel spin around in shock. I see Demetri and the other Miyagi-Do and Eagle Fang students huddling together away from our fellow Cobras.

We walk closer, moving around the sofa. Tory has an evil glare on her face; I don't blame her. I'm just as mad at Samantha for hurting Tory and Robby. And the hatred she has for Sam is just about matched with mine for Demetri.

"Heard you were throwing a party," Tory says.

"Hope you don't mind if we crash," I smirk and make eye contact with Demetri who nervously shifts.

"Tory, Z, you don't have to do this," Miguel grabs my attention with a pleading tone.

I look at him and my stare softens. I don't want to hurt him.

"It's too late. This ends tonight," Tory speaks up and brings me back to reality.

"Now that we've shed our weakness, it's time to show our strength."

"NO MERCY!" Tory yells into the house and we all move forward, assuming our fighting positions.

I rush towards Demetri when a Miyagi-Do student crosses my path: Little Red. All right.

I throw a punch and connect with his jaw before he can react. He stumbles back. He's much shorter than me and weaker, especially in comparison to his brother.

I throw a kick and he tries to block it, so I land and swing my other foot around, kicking him in the head and sending him down. That was way too easy. 

I look around for Demetri or anybody else I can take down.

Assface approaches me and I smirk, "I haven't missed you one bit."

"Ready for me to take you down?" he asks.

I laugh dryly. "Like you could."

He gets into a fighting stance as I strike first and front kick him. He falls back and throws a punch, to which I grab his wrist and twist it. There are no rules in this fight.

He groans in pain as I hold onto it and bend it the wrong way. He freaks out, "Stop, stop, come on. Please."

That's when I pull it even further and it pops in all the wrong places. He screams in anguish and I let go, pushing him back. "No mercy."

He's down. I'm pretty sure I broke his wrist.

He was dead weight, anyway. And I always hated how he took Hawk's side and made me feel bad about myself when I didn't even do anything wrong.

I guess in this fight some people would see what I'm doing as bad. I see it as me asserting my dominance, having it be known that my enemies can't hurt me anymore. It feels good.

My eyes land on Demetri fighting Elijah and a few others. I make my way over there, ready to fight with him one-on-one, fair and square. I don't have a hurt ankle anymore and I will prove to Demetri he can't mess with me. Nobody can save him now.

I stop on my way over there when I see Joey losing to Samantha. Maybe a little detour couldn't hurt.

I come behind her and kick her back and she stumbles forward. Her head snaps my way and I smirk when her eyes widen.

Cold Hearted ⭒ Cobra KaiWhere stories live. Discover now