Chapter twelve - I'll Continue

Start from the beginning

"Mom I'm home" I yelled.

I could smell the aroma of moms cooking, it smelt delicious.

Moms a chef, shes up there in the hierarchy of her field of work. Call me bias but I think she's the best there is.

"Hi honey, dinners nearly ready" she came out of the kitchen with an apron on and a carton of milk in her hand.

Huffing she put her free hand on her hip. "Where have you been Theo?"

Grinning I took of my jacket and hung it up by the door. "I went to thank Eden for helping me in physics, we had a pop quiz today and I got a B+"

"Oh Theo, I'm so proud of you!" Mom was practically beaming at this point.

"That girls good you know, she's pretty, she's smart, she seems caring and it looks as if she's got her head screwed on right" She trailed off walking into the kitchen.

I followed her and sat down in a seat around the kitchen table.

"Go get your brother for dinner would you honey?"

"MAX" I yelled from where I was sitting.

"Theo, I meant go actually get him. I could've done that" she grumbled.

Dishing up dinner she turned to look at me, "so, do you find her attractive?"

"Hm?" I looked up from my phone. I was too engrossed in texting Hunter and Alexander to listen to what mom was saying.

"Eden? I know I do" Max said grinning sitting down next to me.

"You're literally fresh out the womb, shut up" I muttered taking a sip from my drink.

"Well do you?" Mom asked placing my plate in front of me before giving a plate to Max and one for herself.

Sitting down her eyes didn't leave mine.

"I don't know mom, I hardly know her"

"Theo you sleep around with girls you meet within an hour, don't give me that" she raised an eyebrow stabbing at her chicken.

My mom meant a lot to me, I respected her and I'd do anything to keep her out of harms way, she's always been there to protect me.

"She's not my type, but I guess she's pretty yeah" I muttered.

Mom smiled after she ate a mouthful of her food.

"Oh honey you'll have to study at Eden's tomorrow, I've got some clients coming over. They want to taste my food to see if they like it enough for their wedding"

"Alright Mom, I'll have to ask Eden if her parents are okay with it"

Mom smiled at me before talking to Max about his schoolwork.

I took out my phone and found Eden's contact.


"Hey Edee, can we study at yours tomorrow? Mom has a client and she doesn't want any interruptions;)."

A few moments later I get a response.

"There would be no interruptions like that if that's what your implying"

"Oh Eden I didn't mean it like that, but since you're thinking about it;)"

I could picture her blush from where I was sat.

"What no I wasn't thinking about it! But yes of course we can study at my place."

"Thank you Edee."

"No worries."

"Eden said it was fine mom, thanks for dinner. I'm gonna go take a shower"

I stood up and put my plate in the dishwasher after kissing mom on the forehead.

I walked up to my room and got undressed, turning on the shower and stepping in the heat of the water radiated against me. The water trickled down my body, each droplet covering my skin.

Turning off the shower I quickly dried myself off before throwing on some sweats and climbing into bed.

Flicking through the channels on my TV, I got bored when there was nothing interesting to watch.

I picked up my phone and went on Instagram, I noticed I had a new follow request from '_edenhopesumners'.

I sent her a DM.

"Who's swooning now Edee;)"

Smirking I accepted her request and followed her. Looking through her feed she has pictures with her friends back in England, some pictures from dance competitions, some pictures of a sunset, or of a book but her most recent picture was a selfie.

Her dirty blonde hair sat on her shoulders, her hazel eyes glistened in the sun, her perfect skin and her tinted rosy cheeks looked warm. She was smiling showing her perfect white teeth. Her head slightly tilted to the side.

I examined the picture and I felt myself getting tired so I set an alarm and shut off my phone.

Resting one arm above my head and resting one on my stomach, I looked up at my ceiling, the last thing I remember before I fell asleep was Eden.

Authors note

This chapter is a little insight into Theo's life!

Next chapter will be back to Eden's POV

See you Friday :)

G x

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