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Everyone stood still and silent as I finally gathered the strength to stand.
"He'll kill all of you and I won't let it happen"
I kept my gaze to the floor not having the heart to look at them.
"You're more likely to die if you're alone. Must I remind you what happened last time?" Han spoke the second sentence quieter than the first.
"I'm willing to take that chance" I spoke emotion less and walked over to my car.
Dom and Brian pulled me away from the car door and I punched them both out of habit. I heard winces and hisses.
"The fuck?!?!" They both said
"Sorry habit. Don't grab the jumpy fighter girl"
Roman and Tej chuckled a bit but got glared at and shut up.
Mia walked over and slowly and carefully pulled me into a hug so I didn't accidentally hit her too.
"How about we go out tonight all of us. It'll be safe and fun and we won't have to worry" Letty said and we all agreed.
I finished cleaning and Dom made sure there ways always someone with me which made me feel safer but also felt like a child so I was slightly annoyed.

I tries to ignore him best I could and go on with my usual day working cleaning and having random sing/dance parties but I felt his gaze on me constantly.

" Can you at least TRY to be inconspicuous" I snapped at him when I had finally had enough.

" I just wanna make sure you're okay, I can't loose you again" He said calmly

"You're gonna loose me if you don't give me space" I had finally had enough and left to go get dressed up for the evening.

Mia knocked on the door- not sure why she walked in before I could say 'come in' but- whatever.  I was throwing on a small dark red dress and curling my hair as she stood in the doorway.

"Ah yes- dressing like the hottest person in the room perfect way to get your ex boyfriend to leave you alone"

We both laughed a little before I looked at her "I'm trying to piss of Dom for hovering all afternoon"

"Fair enough he's awful-"

I lent her a dress that looked exactly like mine but was navy blue instead then we got ready to talk downstairs and see everyone else.

"Damn-" Brian and Dom stood there in the living room jaws on the floor and I just laughed walking past grabbing my keys.

Han jumped in the passenger seat "he pissed you off that bad"

"You know I hate when people hover"

He nodded, mia and Letty hopped in the back the guys took another car and we drove off to a club.

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⏰ Last updated: Jul 07, 2022 ⏰

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