Ice blonde hair, piercing grey eyes

En başından başla

         School's been great so far. I got Slytherin, just as we suspected. The Head of House, Professor Malfoy, already seems to like me. Maybe it's because we look very similar. I miss you already, but I'll see you at Christmas.

       Love always,


Unbeknownst to Scorpius as he continued on with his day, Hermione fell over in shock with the words of her son's letter. Of course, with her luck, her son's father was obviously going to be his professor. Why would he be?


"Of course, Professor Malfoy," Scorpius nodded, nervously adjusting the strap of his bag on his shoulder. 

"Good. Now go have a nice holiday," Draco said, gesturing to the door as he looked back down at the paper on his desk. 

"I will." Scorpius left without another word, clutching the letter his teacher had asked him to give to his mother. He didn't want to snoop and read it, so he shoved it into the bottom of his bag and forgot about it as he grabbed his trunk from outside the classroom and walked outside to await the carriages that would take them to the train.

A few hours later (however the fuck long the stupid train takes)

"Mum!" he exclaimed, hugging her tightly. Hermione laughed, hugging her son back before taking his luggage and grabbing his hand to Apparate them back to their house.

"You can tell me all about your time at Hogwarts later, why don't you go shower and unpack?" Hermione suggested as they appeared in the living room of their house. 

Scorpius nodded, before retrieving the letter from his satchel. "My Head of House asked me to give this to you." He left quickly with his luggage, wanting to go shower as quickly as possible. 

Hermione sat down quietly, her face paling as she opened the envelope and took out the letter. 

Dear Granger,

         Long time no see, right? So I was wondering how stupid you think I am. Your son, Scorpius is a literal carbon copy of me, and unless you had sex with another man who is practically identical to me right before we broke up, he is my son as well. So what, you expected to put him in my class and for me to not realize that he is my son? You thought that would work? Look, Granger, I know you might be the 'Brightest Witch of your Age', but that was a dumb thing to think. 

Look, love. I still don't understand why you broke up with me or why you didn't tell me I have a son, but I would really like to speak to you about this. So please please please send me and owl in response. Please. 



Hermione sagged against the couch, running a shaky hand through her hair. Of course, he knew Scorpius was his. He always fucking knew. 

She grabbed the pad of paper and pen from the coffee table and started writing a response.

Dear Draco, (lmao reference anyone?)

          In my defense, I had no idea you were the Potions teacher. If I did, I would have sent him to Beauxbatons. I'm hoping we can arrange a time next week to meet and talk about this whole situation, is the 21st at one in the Leaky Cauldron okay with you? I can send Scorp to his grandparents for the day.



She sent the letter off with an owl and sat down next to the window to await his response. The problem was, she was facing away from the letter on the table and didn't notice Scorpius picking it up and reading it.

"Professor Malfoy is my father?" He asked quietly, and Hermione jumped. She turned to see her son looking down at the paper with an expression of shock. 

Her eyes filled with tears at the betrayed and sad look Scorpius shot her. She stood up hurriedly, rushing to Scorpius's side and pulling him into a hug. She cried onto his shoulder for a few minutes and he held her tight. 

"I'm so sorry I didn't tell you, sweetie," she murmured once she finished crying. "I broke up with him because I was worried what people would think when they found out Draco Malfoy had a half-blood child."

"I don't think he would have cared," Scorpius muttered. "I've been in his class for a few months now, and he doesn't really seem like the type to care about blood."

"His family does, though," She said. "In fact, they were all Death Eaters in the war. They are one of the biggest pure-blood families in Britain, and I don't want them to think less of him."

"You love him, still."

"I do," she whispered. 

An owl flew through the open window, startling them. She grabbed the letter it was holding and shooed it away. 

"Man, those owls are fast. Hogwarts is like 12 miles away," she muttered, opening it silently.


21st at one sounds great. I'll be there.

She set the letter aside and let out a shaky breath. "I guess I'm going to have to explain to your father how we got into this mess."

21st at 1, outside the Leaky Cauldron

"Hello, Granger," A voice behind her muttered, and she turned around to see the person she had avoided for 12 years. 

"Hi, Draco," she said softly. 

They stared at each other for a moment before she stood and threw herself into his arms, sobbing quietly into his shoulder.

He held her against his chest and brushed his hand through her hair, reveling in the amazing feeling of having this wonderful witch back in his arms.

"I realized I was pregnant a day before we broke up," she whispered into his shoulder. "I was so worried what people would think of you, and I wanted to protect you so badly. So I broke up with you."

"When will you realize that I really don't care what anyone else says about you?"


"You are enough for me. You are so perfect and I was lucky to have you."

She pulled away slightly, turning her head to capture his lips. She kissed him sweetly and softly, holding his face between her hands so gently it seemed as if she was worried to hurt him.

"God, I'm so fucking stupid," she murmured when they pulled away. 

"I love you."

"I love you too."

They kissed once more before she pulled herself out of his arms and asked, "Do you want to meet your son?"

"Where is he?"

"Inside the Leaky Cauldron."

"Actually, I'm right here!" A voice called, and Hermione turned to see her son bundled up in his winter attire, tears streaming down his cheeks. 

"Come here, Scorp," she said, holding out her hand. He took it and she pulled him into her side. "This is your father, Draco Malfoy."

"Hi," Scorpius whispered to the older man.

Draco grinned. "Hi."

Scorpius stepped forward and hugged Draco, and Hermione smiled, knowing that the two could get along well and maybe they could have a functioning family someday. 

A/N Okay but I'm actually kind of proud of this one. Kinda ended up good. 

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