Discharged and Heading Home

Start from the beginning

"I...I get m-more clothes?" This comment surprised Izuku and his teachers in the room to somewhat enrage them.

'If I ever see Overhaul again, he'll be lucky to keep the only two limbs he has left.' Izuku's somewhat dark thought was replaced with a smile. "Yes Eri. You can wear more clothes. It's actually healthy for you to change into new ones daily or you might smell stinky."

Eri didn't understand as well, but nodded before being placed on the ground while holding Izuku's hand. They went to the front desk where the doctors and nurses finished up the paperwork and gave the last bits of what they needed to give Izuku to him for them to leave. As they exited, Eri felt a little cold with the wind passing through to have Izuku take off his hoodie and put it on her. The size was very large on her so much so, her toes were barely seen from underneath the hoodie as she walked next to Izuku. The sleeves dragging along the ground behind her with Aizawa watching with a bit of a smirk on how emphasized her size was with one of Izuku's shirts on. When they reached a clothing store, Izuku was able to get something a little better for Eri to find a nice zip-up pink hoodie for her and a somewhat long checkered dress. Thanks to some help from Aizawa who determined the right size, the two were able to find a couple more clothes for her as well as a pair of sneakers and some socks to wear. They'd have to come back out for more another time since they could only grab a few, but it was far better than carrying a child in a hospital gown and an oversized sweatshirt that made her look a little like she was trying to be a ghost. Izuku was about to pay for the clothing before Aizawa passed a card to the cashier.

"Don't lose this. This card's for Eri and helping raise her. While we waited for you, I was able to get an express delivery that'll be in the dorms today for a bed, dresser, and a few other things for her. You lose this card, you better expect me to hunt you down and beat you until you find it. There's no limit but remember that this is strictly for whatever Eri may want and need, not for you to go out and buy the latest All Might crap."

"U-understood sir." Izuku squeaked this out as they left the store before going to a home supply store. There, they grabbed a toothbrush, toothpaste, kid friendly soap, shampoo and conditioner, hairbrush and a small pair of clippers for Izuku to make sure Eri was able to physically look healthier. If she was able to see herself in a healthy way, this would most likely help with her mental state and give her a somewhat more positive outlook.

Finally, they went to a small toy store where Izuku brought Eri to the toy section and asked her to pick out a toy or two for her to play with. When they walked inside, something had caught the young girl's ears. It was the sound of a music box that someone was playing with in the corner of the store. It's gentle chimes entranced the young girl as she stared at it. Izuku and the adults pay no mind to the music and go about searching for things to give her. When they entered the toy aisle the option to get a toy was immediately turned down when she spotted a crow plush toy and started squirming in his arms trying to get away from it. They walked a bit away before Eri noticed a small green rabbit plushie. Izuku let her down to look at it before seeing her watch it in confusion.

"Would you like it?" Izuku said, picking the small rabbit up. Eri looked up and nodded with Izuku offering it to her. "Do you like bunnies?"

"It...reminds m-me of y-you." This sent an arrow through Izuku's heart resulting in him crying tears of joy. "D-did I do something wrong!?"

"N-no Eri. I'm just happy. Tears don't always have to be from pain or from sadness. They can be from happiness as well."

"You can cry when you're happy? What is... Happy?" Just like that, Izuku had the urge to kill Overhaul, even more violently than he had originally thought of earlier. With a dark aura around him, it quickly dissipated for him to explain.

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