Chapter 1

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"How is your grandfather?" A sweet voice was heard through the phone
"Not really good" a guy answered her "....hope he get better soon, please tell him that I said hi and I wish he get better soon"she said
".....yes I will, thanks (y/n)" he said "no need to thank me yuji, see you later" she said, but before she hangs up

"wait!! Are you going to school tonight with the others?" Yuji said"Yes I promised them"
"....okay but be careful and if anything happened or anyone try to get close to you run!! And call me so I come to get you! Please promise me"he said
A cute giggle mad yuji heart melt was heard from (y/n) "all right"she said and hang up.

"Sigh, man... even after all this time I can't stop worrying about her, I can't help but feel she is always in danger without me near her, she is an angel kind,sweet and beautiful everyone want her or at least just to look at them for a second, she is always spaced out and rarely smile and when she does she could make the whole world feel peace, I guess losing her parents was too much for her to handle, (y/n) no matter what I will always be next to you when you need me or don't, I'll be there for you.....I have to go now"

"The box is empty" a voice said "for real!? That hilarious!" A guy answered from the phone.

You sat in your chair watching your friends talking to spirits or trying at least.
"Why can't I join?" You asked the girl looked at you "(y/n) my beautiful child I can't let join, what if we manage to talk to the spirits and it got mad I don't want them to hurt you"she said while hugging (y/n).

"Oi sasaki let her go she can't breathe"the boy said "sorry (y/n) couldn't help how cute you are~" sasaki said you shook your head and told her it's okay
"Now smile for me please~ I wanna see your smile! I can't believe you don't smile all the time, your smile should be protected!!" Sasaki stood on the desk and yuji and iguchi were cheering for the same thing.

After a while from them praising you, yuji gave you a sandwich and cookies he patted your head and went to the other two.
You spaced out and didn't notice some people came to the room.

You snapped when you heard yuji
"Enough already! I said I'm not joining!" To the coach, they decided to fight it ended with yuji winning.

"(Y/n) we need to go"yuji said, he carried you on his back and run past someone.

"The presence of the cursed object!I can feel it even stronger now!" The guy with black hair said said.

"Why didn't you bring (y/n) with you?!"an old man said " she have some things to do, ah! She told me to tell you that she hopes you get better soon"yuji said "such a nice girl, it sad to see the child who always happy and smiling their smile disappears.....yuji.. you're a strong kid so... help people" he said "yeah, but she still trying to be happy and smile sometimes.....grandpa?....grandpa?!"yuji said.

Yuji and megumi met in the hospital, megumi told yuji about what gonna happen if someone opened the curse, they ran to the school "(y/n)!! Please be safe!!".

"I don't have a good feeling about this,we should stop"you said but two friends told you it fine and nothing gonna happen, you still felt worried you wanted to run out.

"It is a human finger!!!!"sasaki said, you looked up when felt something wrong and saw a monster coming from the roof.

"Stay here"megumi said "what!! I can't abandon my friends! I... can't abandon (y/n)!!".

The monster were trying to find your friends.
".....where did they go?...hmm?" You said, a monster was in front of you but he was shivering and scared, you tried to reach him but he got more scared and exploded, "..... weird was he that scared?....It doesn't matter I should find sasaki and iguchi".

Yuji eats sukuna finger "that idiot!!!...huh?!" An explosion was heard in the building,it started shaking "there's something with a huge power! What's happening?!"megumi said.

After sukuna killed the monster he ripped yuji shirt
"AH! I knew it! Light is best appreciated in the flesh! Where's the people! The women!"he said.

Megumi noticed a girl with (h/c) coming from where the explosion was "she have a dangerous aura around her... is she the one who did the damage to the building?"he said.

"The heck you think you doing with my body? Give it back!" Yuji said to sukuna "how are you able to move?"sukuna asked "um... it's my body".

"Y..u..ji..." you mumbled, everyone turned their attention to you.
Sukuna eyes widened when he saw you
"My... bride.." he said and that annoyed not only yuji but megumi also.

"The hell are you Saying!?! And what the hell is wrong with (y/n)??" Yuji said getting closer to you but some power pushed him away.

"Eh? Why I can't go near her?!" Yuji said "you idiot! Why can't go closer to her!? Give up already and let me have your body! I need to be with my bride" sukuna said.

"Oi (y/n)!! What is going on with you!? Did you eat a finger too?" Yuji said
" I don't think she can hear you, she is unconscious, her power is the thing that keeping her moving to keep her safe" megumi said.

"Ohoo~ I found myself a really good wife"
"you shut up!" Yuji said

"What is the situation?" A guy with white hair said "gojo sensei! What are you doing here!?" Megumi said "so did you find the finger?" Gojo said.

"Sorry... I ate it" Yuji said "for real?" Gojo asked "for real" Yuji and megumi answered.
"Hmmm... and that girl-huh?!..." gojo jumped away when he saw her aura.

'I never thought I would see something so powerful like that, even when sukuna is here he is nothing compared to ...her, she look unconscious, hmmm I think I know what is going on' gojo thought.

"Sensei?" Megumi said "the girl, she is unaware of her power and what she is doing, it might be a disaster if we don't wake her up"Gojo said.

After fighting sukuna and finding a way to get to you, you and yuji were unconscious in gojo's arms.
"Sensei! Can I please aske not to kill them"megumi said.

Gojo looked at him "hmmm...the girl gonna live I think, but the boy..." Gojo said, " but I don't want them to die!" Megumi said "a precious student request. Leave it to me!" Gojo said.

"And with that le me reiterate, you gonna be executed" Gojo said.
"..... you can take me instead" you said "NO! I won't let them harm you!!"Yuji said.
"You gonna live my dear (y/n) how can I let an angel like you get hurt" Gojo said squishing your cheek.

Feeling jealous and afraid that (y/n) would get hurt
"Oi! Leave her be!!" Yuji yelled "so you two are not.. you know in any kind of relationship?" Gojo asked making yuji blush and you looked at him with cute confused face
"...none of your business" Yuji said
"So you're not...good good!!".

You spaced out while the two talk.


I'm not happy with how the chapter turned out but hopefully it get better in the next one💕

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