Chapter 9- Friends

Start from the beginning

The guy slowly passed the pad of his thumb gently rubbing at Markus' abused lip. Markus released his lip as he just looked up into the guys eyes, before he mustered up all his courage to answer the question asked. 
" Markus." 

"Markus," the tall guy repeated, testing the name on his tongue. 
He knew damn well what Markus was to him, and despite all the shit that was going on between werewolves and vampires. He refused to reject his mate, nor was he letting his mate ever leave his side. 
"Hi Markus, my name is Nolan," he replied. 
"Nolan," now it was Markus's turn to test his mate's name on his lips. And quite frankly he loved how it sounded. 
Markus could just imagine how his face looked right now. All flushed and red with a blush. 
Markus wasn't one to blush a lot, he was more of a sassy and rude person. But now in the presence of Nolan, he couldn't help but look like a tomato. 
The two boys just stared into each other's eyes. Nolan still had his hand placed on Markus's chin and his thumb on his lips. Forcing his mate to look up at him as they stood in the empty, silent halls. 

"Hey Markus did Master Newell tal___," Mary-kay began as she walked up to the duo. Only to stop as she saw their stance. 
Mary-kay looked between the two open mouthed as the mates just stared at each other with love filled eyes. In a trance and completely oblivious to her presence. 
"OH HELL NO!" Mary-kay's voice broke through the silence, causing both males to turn their attention to her. 
"You see this shit," she pointed between Markus and Nolan. 
"It isn't happening again. Uh, uh not under my watch!" she stated before she pulled the boys apart. Receiving whines of disapproval from Markus and a low growl from Nolan. 
One of Mary-kay's friends was already on the run for his life and his mate and child's life. All because of all this mate with the opposite matey lovey dovey bullshit. And she'd be damned if she allowed it to happen again. So if it meant that she had to keep this newly found mate couple apart until this situation died down then so be it. But she wasn't going to allow another one of her friends to have to run and leave everything behind for love. 
Mary-kay looked back up at the couple. 
Markus was looking at her with pleading eyes as he craved his mate's touch. He wanted to feel how his soft pink lips would fall against his and how it would feel to have Nolan's hands explored his body. 
The thought alone was enough to make Markus hard, but he refused to allow anyone to smell his arousal so he pushed the thoughts deep down into his mind before he looked back up at Mary-kay. 
All while Nolan was glaring daggers at the girl who had just pulled his mate away from him. And as much as he knew why she did so, he couldn't help but be pissed off that she had touched what was his. 
Mary-kay rolled her eyes as she felt the wolf drilling a hole into the side of her head. So with a sigh she turned to face him, taking a big whiff of his scent. 
She cringed at his wet dog smell. She really hated how werewolves smelled. But at least her friends' mates were bear able.
"What kind of werewolf are you? You're larger than any average wolf even in your human form. Plus you smell different, (kind of) and radiate more power. You're not the Alpha. Because I met him. And you're not the Beta I think I saw him once. So what are you," she asked curiously. 
Nolan scoffed before he crossed his arms over his chest, allowing his muscles to flex. 
Markus' mouth hit the ground as he began to drool at the site of his mate's abs. 
"I'm the Delta-to-be Little Mrs. Asian," Nolan replied with a smug smirk. 

Mary-kay's lips pulled back into a snarl showing off her pearly white fangs.

"I'M NOT ASIAN, I'M JAPANESE!"she shouted. 
Why did everyone refer to her as being Asian? Yeah it was true that her father was Asian, making her half Asian. But she refused to acknowledge that side of her. Her father was nothing more than a sperm donor. She remembered how her father used to hit her mother and call her offensive names. Until he finally left her mother to raise two kids by herself. Though Mary-kay was very young, she remembered her father's abuse clearly.  She had tried to help her mother with chores and taking care of her brother who had been a baby at the time. Just to make it a little easier on her mother. But what could a three year old really do? So Mary-kay and Yuan became orphans when Mary-kay was around five and Yuan was two. After their mother had killed herself. 
"I thought you said your dad was Asian. Which makes you part Asian. So the name Mrs. Asian fits," Markus joked. 
It took everything in Mary-kay not to murder her friend right in front his mate. So she settled for a hard glare instead. 
Markus shifted from foot to foot uncomfortable under Mary's gaze. So he turned his attention back to his sexy mate, taking in his gorgeous form as he stood there all mighty in simple dark jeans and plain black t-shirt. 
Nolan could feel eyes on him and he slowly turned his head in the direction of his mate. 
The vampire turned his head quickly before a blush appeared on his face, but Nolan had just barely caught the movement. 
He quickly made his way over to his mate forcing him to look up at him by his chin. His mate's big emerald eyes, that ever vampire in Markus's clan seemed to have. Stared up at him shyly as he nibbled his lower lip. 
Nolan caressed the poor flesh before he whispered. 
"Don't do that." 
Instantly Markus released the pink flesh as his cheeks darkened ( if it were possible). 
'Aww, he's just so cute. I can't wait to claim him," Nox, Nolan's wolf stated as he lay paws crossed and head resting on them. As he stared up at his mate. 
"Calm yourself you horny dog. Don't you see how fragile our little is?" 
"Fragile?" Nox scoffed. 
"Did you see that little ass our mate has?" Nox asked smugly. 
Nolan rolled his eyes at his wolf's comment, before he looked back down at his mate. 
"Little mate, would you like to go on a date with me?" Nolan asked, causing Mark's blush to triple. 
But Markus knew the answer, as much as he wanted to say 'yes' and run off into the sun set with his mate. He knew it wasn't possible. Their Master had placed his clan under strict orders, to not get too involved with the werewolves. And now that his own son of all people. Had broken that rule and ran away with said werewolf. The clan had been placed under a curfew, while all hormonal teenage vampires who had a higher chance of having a werewolf mate. Were to be supervised at all times. Markus was surprised that no one had been watching him now. But all in all he was grateful. 
Nolan saw the mode change in his mate, as a frown replaced the blush that once graced his mates beautiful face. So without thinking, he bent down and connected his lips with his mates. 
Mark's attention was immediately snapped back to Nolan. Causing a satisfied smirk to tug at the corner Nolan lips as he wrapped his arms around Mark's waist, pulling him closer. 
"Little mate," Nolan moaned against Mark's lips. 
Markus wrapped his arms around Nolan's neck pulling him closer as the wolf's wet tongue entered his mouth slowly moving against his own tongue. 
Breathing was becoming hard and the urge to bite down on Nolan's lips and suck his blood was becoming more and more unbearable. As Markus's fangs elongated and softly grazed Nolan's lower lip. 
And Mary-kay being the observant friend that she was. Noticed how Markus's fangs had grown and was about to chump down on Nolan's lip. 
So she pulled them apart ignoring the whines and low snarls that she got in return. 
"Alright boys, remember where we're in school and in the middle of a werewolf, vampire hunt thingy," she tried to explain only to receive confused and deadpan stares from the duo in front of her. 
With a frustrated growl Mary-kay spoke. 
"Stop sucking fucking faces, before someone see's idiots," she snapped. 
Nolan rolled his eyes while Markus blushed at Mary's comment. 
Mary-kay then grabbed Mark's forearm and proceeded to walk down the halls past Nolan and to whatever class that they were missing now. When a deep voice called out, sending a shiver to run up her spine. 
"Nolan what are you doing here, I have something to tell you__". 
With a swift movement Mary-kay had released Mark's arms and had turned around to stare into hazel orbs. 
The sensational smell of roses and honey hit Mary's nose as she stared at the dark skinned sex god in front of her. And before she could utter a word the male whispered in a dark voice. 
The guy's eyes flickered between gold and hazel before staying on their original calming color. 
The guy took a step towards her, and Mary-kay literally jumped herself into the guy's arms as she wrapped her legs around his waist crashing their lips together. 
Mary-kay groaned at how sweet Oni's lips are as they move in sync to hers. 
Oni quickly places his hands under Mary-kay's round ass, keeping her from falling. 
"And she told us about sucking faces in school, but now look at her," Markus jokes as Nolan pulled him from around the waist into his side. 
Mary-kay flips the finger at Markus still making out with her mate. 
"Ok guys find a room," Nolan stated smugly, making the couple break apart with a loud 'pop'. 
Mary-kay slowly unwrapped her legs from around her mates waist as he gently placed her back on her feet. 
"Oni, what did you want to tell me?" Nolan asked nicely before he placed his face into Mark's curly hair.
"Oh right, now that we both have vampire mates as well as Jason. We've got a problem," Oni stated as he wrapped his arms protectively around Mary-kay from the back.
Markus frowned along with Mary-kay.

"What kind of problem?" Nolan asked wearily.
Oni sighed as he buried his head into the crock of Mary-kay's neck breathing in her scent.
"Alpha Jack and Master Newell have come together to hunt down all werewolf and vampire mates on land. As well as Storm and his mate to take them to some interrogating place to be locked up," Oni informed us.
"Where are they taking them?" Nolan hesitantly asked.
"To some place named The River of Aresoms or something like that." He finished.
Markus and Mary-kay gasped.
"They're going to take them to The River of Artemis?" Mary-kay gasped in horror.
"Yeah that's what's it's called," Oni confirmed.
"But it gets worse," he stated.
Mary-kay looked up at him confused.
"What could be worse than that?" Markus whines.
"There's someone else."
"What do you mean there's someone else?" Nolan asked.
"I mean that there is someone other than Alpha Jack and Master Newell who is hunting down vampire, werewolf mates. And he's not locking them up like Alpha Jack and Master Newell. He's experimenting and killing them," Nolan states.
Markus and Mary-kay looked between each other. With wide glossy eyes as their hearts began to pound uncontrollably in their chest.
"The u...unknown person is t....trying to break their m...mating bond isn't he?" Markus stuttered out.
Oni just nodded as he pulled Mar-kay closer to him.
"We need to tell Wesley!" Mary-kay shouts, while Markus just nodded.

May the goddess be with them because the troubles have just begun.

Oh there's someone else. Who do you guys think it is? Tell me in the comments. That's all for now guys. Hope you enjoyed this chapter and remember to stay safe😃.

 Hope you enjoyed this chapter and remember to stay safe😃

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