Draig Information (Rewritten)

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Name: Draig Tempest

Age: 38 (Formerly)/ Unspecified (Currently)

Gender: Male

Race: Dragonoid

Hair: Black

Eyes: Red (Human Form)/ Glowing Red (Dragon Form)

Disaster Rank:
Unspecified (Formerly)

S Rank-Disaster Class (Currently; High S)

Family: True Dragons (Siblings)/ Milim Nava (Daughter)/ Rimuru Tempest (Brother)/ Ophis (Niece)/ Rudra Nam UI Nasca (Brother in Law)/ Lucia (Ex-Wife)


Dragonoid Physiology/

As a Dragonoid, similar to Dragonewts, Draig is a visual mix between a human and a dragon. He has a human-like appearance with scales, wings, and horns, and more than likely a tail. Due to his physiology, he is able to hide his draconic traits at will and while doing so appear as a normal human. As an irregular species normally born between the union of the normally incapable of reproducing True Dragon and a human. Draig is a type of Spiritual Life-form, and although merely an imitation of a True Dragon, through his physiology he has the dormant power to possess immense power comparable to one. Albeit Draig is a special case, as his Dragonoid body was created via reincarnation. His Dragonoid status still stands as his reincarnation was interfered by Veldanava, who directly used his power as a conduit, to form Draig, as part of his reincarnation. Due to these special circumstances, Draigs Dragonoid power mainly lies dormant inside him, only able to access a portion of it. However with time Draig will be able to access more of this power. Getting into more specifics of the powers and abilities granted by his physiology include;

Dragon Transformation/

Draigs Dragonoid Physiology affords him the ability to transform himself into a Dragon, in this form it has been shown he has an incredible size that rivals Veldora's, appearing similar in color to his Dragonoid Form, with his eyes becoming cross-shaped pupils. Prior to being made named, Draig speculated that his Dragon form was likely smaller, only having grown to be able to handle the boost in power, that was enormously large, and similar to that of a True Dragon.

In this form he has an armored body similar to that of his armored Dragonoid form, along with wings, a tail, which afford him great abilities. These abilities include, but is not limited to;

Dragon Strength

Dragon Durability

Dragon Speed

Dragon Thought Communication

Dragon Thoughts Acceleration

Dragon Senses

Dragon Enhanced Magic

Dragonoid Transformation; True Form/

Much like Milim as a Dragonoid true form is that of one similar to a Dragonewt. While in his true form he stands over three meters tall, with sharp red eyes, and slightly messy black hair with a mildly unkempt spiky appearance. His body is well-built with a muscular torso, thick neck, and toned arms and legs. This form is of course accompanied with several features that are decidedly more draconic. This includes sharp-clawed hands, a pair of yellow ridged horns that curve outwards from beneath his hair along the sides of his head, and two two large bat-like wings that span several times the length of his body when unfurled. In this form Draigs power is above that of his Dragon Form, given that it is his true form.

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⏰ Last updated: Jul 25, 2023 ⏰

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