Then Kendall pulled out his phone calling someone "look, we just need another hour and don't forget, I talked mom out of naming you Apple." Kendall said as Chloe furrowed her brows "apple?" Then Kendall hung up and looked to Carlos "we're good. And long story." He told Chloe as she nodded her head.

Chloe was sitting around now trying to help the boys with there song "okay, we're gonna need more lyrics then oh,oh,oh, and Gustavo said silence also inspires songwriting." Kendall told them as Carlos jumped up "ooh, silent writing starting now." He told them as they all sat back in silence as Chloe looked to the boys.

Carlos though kept making noise as Chloe and Kendall looked to him "can you stop that?" They both asked as Carlos turned to them "you mean breathing?" He asked them as they held there hands up "just for a few minutes." Chloe and Kendall told her.

Carlos then held in his breath as Chloe and Kendall began to think as Carlos blurted our words.

"Say anything you want
I turn the music up
Cause, baby
We keep going

He sang as both Chloe and Kendall smiled looking at him "it worked." Kendall cheered as Chloe laughed "that was it." Carlos yelled "the oh song is gonna be so much better then the yeah song." Kendall told them as they all high fived

"sing it again." Kendall told him as he started playing the guitar.

"Say anything you want
I turn the music up
Cause, baby
We keep going

The boys sang together as Chloe was nodding her head along. And soon the song was done as they walked out the door.

"Okay, got the lyrics. Now we just got to call the band." Carlos told them as they walked down the hallway "and record the music to our hit song." Kendall told them as him and Carlos blew it up but Chloe saw the band already there as she got there attention "guys, small problem, the bands already here." She told them as they saw the band walk off with James and Logan following behind waving at them.

They were hiding behind the sofa as Chloe though couldn't help but move her head to James and Logan's song.

"If I run away tonight,
Will you follow me?
Yeah, yeah."

"Stop enjoying there song, your supposed to like our song." Kendall told Chloe as she stopped moving her head "the yeah song is good." Carlos told them as Kendall turned to them "it's okay. But once we get the band, the oh song is gonna be way better."

"Okay, but how do we get the band out of camp awesome?" Carlos asked Kendall as he didn't know but then looked at the piece of paper in his hand as he shared a look with Chloe and Carlos.

And soon both boys were jumping over the couch with symbols in there hands as Chloe stayed back as they yelled "it's an attack!" James yelled as Chloe looked up from behind the couch, jaw dropping as she watched Logan flip Carlos over and then the boys continued to fight.

Chloe then saw Kelly arrive as she yelled "Kelly help!" And then both girls went running into the recording studio seeing the band sitting and eating "what are you guys doing here?" Kelly asked as the band looked at them "working with your new fighting songwriters." They then pointed to the boys as Kelly and Chloe turned around seeing Carlos smushed into the glass as there eyes went wide.

"Cover you ears." Kelly told the band as her and Chloe put headphones on and put the mic against the speaker giving off feedback as the boys stopped fighting holding there ears as they screamed and fell over and both girls smiled taking off the headphones and putting on game faces as they walked to the boys.

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