"Yeah, you're right. Milo, go change into your work clothes after you are done with your lollipop. The rest of you, get ready. I feel like this is gonna be a long day ahead." Jason ordered.

Milo, after hearing that, devoured the lollipop in record time and hurriedly went to the back room to change. After he was done, he put on his cap and waited near the back. He was charged with being the delivery boy along with Payne for a while now. He used to be a cashier for some time, but was given another position after an... incident.


"Hello, how may I help you?" Shane cheerfully asked the customer, who was a brown cat.

"Hello, I would like umm..... A meat lover's pizza, size medium, please. Also a medium coke." The cat replied.

"Are you eating here or taking away?"

"Take away, please."

"Alright, that would be $12.99. It would take about 10 minutes for the pizza to get ready. Anything else?" Shane asked after he punched in the order into the cash register.

"No, that's it, thank you." The cat said. He fished into his pocket and got out a $10 and $5 bill and handed it over.

As the sergal was looking for the change in the cash register, the cat asked something that was bugging him for a few days now.

"Hey, what happened to the fox that worked here? I haven't seen him in a while now. Did he quit?" The cat asked.

"No, he was just assigned to be the delivery boy. I think you might know why though, right?" Shane replied.

"Yeah... " The cat answered sadly. "I just wish people didn't take advantage of him for being a cute little fuzzball. He didn't deserve that, but I'm at least glad that that stupid bull got banned and arrested."

"I agree with you on that, my friend." Shane nodded. He handed back the change to his customer. "Have a nice day!" He smiled at the cat.

"You too!" The cat smiled back and moved out of the way for the next customer.

"Hello! It's nice to see you again!" Shane's muzzle broke out into a wide smile as he saw his next customer.

"Hello Shane! Nice to see you again!" The customer, a wolf who was about the sergal's height, greeted him.

"That special offer is still available to only you." The sergal said.

"Aww, you guys are too kind." The wolf grinned.

"You saved Milo from that bull, Kane. It's the least we can do for you!" Shane replied.

"Heh heh, okay. Milo must mean a lot to you guys. I'm not surprised, he is such a cute little bean." Kane said.

"He most definitely is." Shane agreed. "So what's your order today?"

"I'll take... 1 veggie lovers pizza, 3 pepperoni and cheese pizzas, and 1 meat lovers pizza and 1 cheese pizza, all of them with extra cheese. Also 2 boxes each of mozzarella cheese and garlic breadsticks." Kane said.

Shane's eyes widened at the order. "Wow, Kane, having a party tonight, huh?"

"You can say that." Kane chuckled. "So, are all of you free after work today?"

"Well, me and Lila are free, and I'm pretty sure Milo is too. I dunno about others. Why do you ask?"

"Well, I'm inviting you all to my house for the party tonight!" Kane smiled.

"W-wait really?" Shane asked, shocked by the offer.

"Yup! I mean, you should've found out about that by now, don't you think? This is the first time I am ordering a cheese and veggie lovers pizza." Kane replied.

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