Sei La Mia Luce. Sei Il Mio Cuore.

Start from the beginning

"I love you too baby. So much" Maya says kissing Carina gently on the side of her head. She looks at Carina sleeping thinking never in her life had she expected to fall inlove. Never in her life had she dreamed about ever being so happy. Never in her life had she thought she was ever worthy of this kind of love. This is love, sometimes it feels like it belongs in a movie or some show. She's never been this happy. Obviously things aren't always perfect, they argue, they disagree on so many things and also because they're both stubborn. Only now, she doesn't run. She talks to Carina, she processes, she listens and she doesn't hide who she is anymore. Carina has seen her on her worst days and held her when she just cries and she's been their on the good days, when things just seem to work out. It took her a long time and hurting Carina to get here. She couldn't be happier. She closes her eyes thinking of the happiness Carina has brought into her life.

The following morning Maya wakes up feeling Carina's hand under her top, as she slowly moves Carina's hand "I had to sleep without you for three days, don't you dare move" Carina mumbles. Maya laughs and shakes her head "I'm going to the bathroom baby and I'll make you coffee then I'll be back" Maya says knowing the promise of coffee always works. She walks back into the room, Carina's eyes are still closed "your coffee, my love" she says, walking back to her side of the bed. She's back in bed and Carina pushes herself deeper into Maya's side "I did not sleep well without you, bella" she says into Maya's chest as her hand sneaks under Maya's tank top again. "I know we've had to spend nights apart because our jobs are crazy and we work ridiculous shifts, but I was ready to come home half way through day two" she says finally opening her eyes looking up at Maya "morning". Maya smiles at her "Morning my love, I missed you so much. Everyone will probably thank you for being back. They kept asking how many days till you get back. It was no fun being around me" she kisses Carina on the lips. Carina sits up and the sheets fall, she picks up her coffee and sips then moans "I love you" and takes another sip of her coffee. "Are you talking to me or the coffee" Maya questions. Carina laughs and just shakes her head. "You didn't go on your run this morning" Carina says with her eyebrow raised. They've been together long enough for Carina to know that Maya's body is tuned to wake up before the Sun for her morning run. Maya just shrugs "I can go later, waking up next to you is much more important after being away for so long and probably better for my health" she jokes. "I am definitely better for your health, Captain" she puts her coffee down and climbs into Maya's lap kissing her. Maya runs her hands under Carina's top moaning "you feel so good" she whispers against Carina's mouth, her hands gripping Carina's waist and pulling her closer. She looks at Carina in her eyes and smiles "I love you so much baby" she says softly and Carina smiles and blushes, she tucks a strand of Carina's hair behind her ear "you are so perfect and so beautiful" she continues.

"Maya..." she whines. Maya knows she hates whenever she tells Carina that she is perfect but dammit she is. "I know baby, I know but you'll always be perfect to me. You have your flaws but I love you regardless. I have mine and you still love me. You see every part of me and still you love me." She pulls something from under her pillow and hands it to Carina "what is this" she asks confused. She opens the box and inhales sharply "Maya, what did you do?" she looks up at her then back at the necklace. It's a simple gold necklace, with a gold pendant with an engraving of a woman and in Italian the words "sei la mia luce" (you are my light) are engraved. She runs her hands gently over necklace and takes it out of the box, she sees engraving on the back and looks at it "sei il mio cuore MB" (you are my heart MB) and tears fall down her cheeks "gosh Maya, this is so beautiful. Thank you bella. Will you put it on" Maya takes the necklace from her hands and clips it around her neck. She looks at Maya "I love you so much bella. This is such an amazing gift. You didn't have to do this" Maya just shrugs "I know, but I wanted to". Carina cannot take her eyes off the necklace, she eventually looks up at Maya "how did you get the translation right?" Maya smiles at her "oh I called your cousin, I couldn't ask Andrew, he is just like Vic, they cannot keep secrets" she laughs "anyway, I showed her a picture of the necklace but the engraving was something else in Italian, turns out she knows the designer and said I could change the engraving. The designer partnered with some non profit organization for women and children in Italy so your cousin spoke to the designer and told her about you and what you do and she said she'd change the engraving to what I wanted but your cousin probably told her to add the MB. She sent it to the station and I got it the day after you left" Maya tells her. "You called my cousin? When did you call my cousin" Carina asks shocked that Maya would go to such lengths for a gift and it wasn't even a special occasion "I called her like three weeks ago. I got her number from your phone and I called from the station because I knew you would find out if we spoke here". Carina kisses her gently on the lips "I love it so much bella. Thank you"

One Shots - Capt. Maya Bishop and Dr. Carina DeLucaWhere stories live. Discover now