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Hello everyone and welcome back to the next chapter about the return of the loved ones. I hope u all liked the previous chapter, please let me know what do u think of this chapter so far. I don't own Harry Potter, it is jk Rowlings, I just own the plot.

James s _bold


lily l _bold

lily _italic


A letter from the ministry came to Harry explaining that custody of Olivia and Oliver is to their father Dudley Dursley who married Cho Chang. Harry told this news to Ginny and his parents but his parents got confused to which he said today I'm going to show you all my memories from the day I was left with the Dursleys till my seventh year other than that I have already told u about it.

"Okay," said his parents

Harry quickly wrote a letter to Dudley explaining to him that he has custody of his kids and he is even divorced. harry did a spell near his brain that started a memory scene where Dumbledore and Professor McGonagall has dropped Harry off at his uncle place then they see three years old cooking food for everyone and when Vernon leaves for his office, Petunia goes over to that child and asks him to sit down and have food while she cooks it for him and then she sees a bruise on his arm she quickly makes food and goes to get first aid kit so that she could fix it. then we move to age 5 where Aunt Petunia gave him a photo of his mother and father with him in his hands. Aunt petunia told him everything about the separate world which was the wizarding world but could never bring herself to tell him how his parents died. he is now 11 years old and has got his Hogwarts letter but his aunt made him promise to make his friend think that he isn't taken care of because if by chance his uncle finds out it won't be good for him or his aunt because Harry knew about his aunt getting beaten by her husband.

First-year :

Before Harry left his aunt told him the truth of how his parent had died and made Harry promise to write a letter to her each week once at least so that she knows Harry is being taken care there although his uncle hates the magic his aunt already has lost her parents to natural death and his sister and her husband to the magic that won't stop her from loving and caring for Harry because if anything happens to her lily would have taken care of Dudley like her own. Harry once reached the platform his aunt got down and told him to run in between the 9 and 10 platforms and he would reach where the Hogwarts express stood and he will be able to ride it. Harry then met Ron while Ron was looking for a compartment to sit in but couldn't find any compartment empty but then he met Harry and then they became friends. Harry then met Draco Malfoy who just offered him his hand and said to Ron"Red hairs and Handy down rob you must be a Weasley?" Harry then got sorted into Gryffindor getting late for his class with Professor McGonagal and then to the flying class where Harry flew to catch the remembrance ball from Draco and then being called by Professor McGonagall to be the youngest seeker for the Gryffindor Quidditch team and then first math jinxing of the broom and then catching the snitch in his mouth, visiting Hagrid and finding out about a dragon and then sending the dragon off to his brother Charlie and wrote a letter to his aunt and helping Hermione from the troll and then taking down the school professor by burning his face because of his mother.


Harry is spending a miserable summer with his only remaining family, the Dursleys. During a dinner party hosted by his uncle and aunt, Harry is visited by Dobby, a house-elf. Dobby warns Harry not to return to Hogwarts, the magical school for wizards that Harry attended the previous year. Harry politely disregards the warning, and Dobby wreaks havoc in the kitchen, infuriating the Dursleys. The Dursleys angrily imprison Harry in his room for the rest of the summer. Luckily, Harry's friend Ron Weasley steals Harry away in a flying car, and Harry happily spends the rest of the summer at the Weasley home. While shopping for school supplies with the Weasleys, Harry has two unfortunate encounters. He first encounters Lockhart, one of his teachers, who demands to be in a photoshoot with Harry. Harry then encounters Lucius Malfoy, the evil father of one of Harry's enemies, who almost starts a fight with Mr Weasley. As Harry prepares to return to Hogwarts, he finds that he and Ron are unable to enter the magically invisible train platform, so they fly the Weasley car to Hogwarts. They land messily, and both boys are given detentions. Lockhart, who believes Harry flew the car to get attention, lectures Harry. Quidditch practices begin and Draco Malfoy is the new Slytherin seeker. On the field, he calls Hermione a "mudblood," insulting her Muggle heritage. After taunting Hermione, Draco is the suspect when, on Halloween night, someone petrifies the school caretaker's cat and writes a threatening message. Before the cat is attacked, Harry twice hears an eerie voice. He hears it first during his detention and second during a party, moments before the cat is attacked. Everybody in the school is alarmed. By doing some research, Harry, Ron, and Hermione learn that fifty years ago a chamber at Hogwarts was opened and a student was killed. Playing for Gryffindor, Harry wins the Quidditch match against Slytherin. During the game, an enchanted ball hits Harry and causes him to lose the bones in his arm. Dobby, a house-elf, has enchanted the ball to have Harry injured and sent home. That night, Harry sees the body of a first-year who has been petrified arrive at the hospital. Soon after, Lockhart begins a duelling club. During the first meeting, Harry terrifies his fellow students by speaking in Parseltongue to a snake. Harry's ability frightens the others because only the heir of Slytherin, who is responsible for opening the chamber, would have the ability to converse with snakes. Harry comes under further suspicion when he stumbles upon the petrified bodies of Justin Finch-Fletchley and Nearly- Headless Nick. Determined to catch the culprit, Ron, Harry and Hermione brew a potion called Polyjuice. The potion allows them to assume the bodies of Slytherins and question Malfoy on the Chamber of Secrets. They find out that Malfoy is not the heir of Slytherin. No more attacks occur for a while, and right before Valentine's Day, Harry finds a diary in the broken toilet. The diary belongs to a ghost named Moaning Myrtle who haunts the girls' restroom. Harry writes in the diary, which response by writing back. Through this dialogue, Harry meets Tom Riddle, a boy who many years before had accused Hagrid of opening the Chamber of Secrets. Hermione and a Ravenclaw girl are mysteriously petrified. Harry and Ron venture out of the castle to question Hagrid. Before they reach Hagrid, the Minister of Magic, Cornelius Fudge, and Lucius Malfoy remove Dumbledore and Hagrid from Hogwarts. As Hagrid is led away, he instructs the boys that by following the spiders, they can find out about the Chamber monster. Several nights later, Harry and Ron sneak into the Forbidden Forest to follow the spiders. They discover the monster who killed the girl fifty years before was not a spider, that the girl's body was found in a bathroom, and that Hagrid is innocent. The boys are almost killed by a colony of giant spiders. As they escape, Harry and Ron decide that Moaning Myrtle must have been the girl killed by the monster. A few days later, Ron and Harry discover a piece of paper with a description of a basilisk on it in Hermione's frozen hand. They deduce the Chamber monster is a basilisk. Before the boys can act on their knowledge, the teachers announce that Ginny Weasley has been taken into the chamber. Ron, Harry, and Lockhart slide down a secret passage in Myrtle's bathroom to underground tunnels. When Lockhart accidentally curses himself, Ron helps him and Harry leaves them behind. Harry enters the Chamber of Secrets and encounters Ginny's still body and Tom Riddle. Tom turns out to be a younger version of Voldemort, who has been enchanting Ginny through his journal. Harry calls for help from Dumbledore. A phoenix and a magic hat arrive. Tom summons a basilisk, but the phoenix punctures its eyes. The hat produces a sword, which Harry uses to kill the giant snake. Harry sticks a basilisk fang through the diary, destroying Tom. Ginny wakes up. Harry explains his adventure to Dumbledore. Lucius Malfoy storms into the office with his house-elf, Dobby, and Harry frees Dobby from by tricking Lucius into giving Dobby a sock. All is well in the castle as the students leave for their summer vacations. Harry was happy to see his aunt and told her everything about that year because he wasn't able to write to her much that year.

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