Priya Forgives Mayra

Start from the beginning

You are mature Mayra, you know what i am trying to say... And in such situation for 6 months you are out of contact... No one knows that where are you... We did not able to sleep with just the thought that what if we something happened to Mayra?

The great Ram Kapoor shattered by the feeling that he is not able to protect his daughter happiness...

I want to spend my time with my children... After coming out of coma the biggest regret of my life is i am not able to see your and Pari's childhood... The most wonderful phase of any parents life...

Ram told me that when i go to coma you didn't cry.. Not because you didn't love me but you knew that if you cry then it is difficult to handle pari...
Ram is much proud of you...

Whenever Ram talks about you there is different happiness in his eyes...

Me and Ram always stays worried for you because we know you are not like other children who share there point of view... You always keep everything in heart...

All children meant a lot to us...

Priya cries...
Mayra is silent all the time...

Mayra left speechless...

Mayra- I know both of you loves me a lot... But i thought my presence in this house made Roshani uncomfortable... Because in the attempt of making me comfortable all of you are not able to pay attention to Roshani... I thought that i snatch the right of Roshani...

I don't want any injustice to happen with Roshani...

How could i explain you that this is the worst feeling when you come to know that you are not belong to your parents... How could i explain you the feeling that Pari is not my twin sister is the worst feeling... I know our relation is not based on paper but still i am not able to handle the truth...

I know that after knowing the truth you and dad may love me more but i am shattered with the truth... Th family which is my weakness is not my family is the worst feeling... I am not belong to my parents is painful truth... Someone come in our life and that person is now Pari's twin sister hurt me the most... I don't have courage to share Pari with anyone...

From the day one i never need any friend in school or college because Pari is my everything... But now someone come and that person is claim be Pari's twin sister is just painful to hear...

I don't have any problem with Roshani but i thought my discomfort create problems for her...

Plz forgive me... I beg of you... Mayra pleads before Priya... Priya gets emotional...

Mayra for the first time in life cries in front of Priya... She brecks down in front of priya...

While saying this Mayra start having problem in breathing due to suffocation because door is locked...

Priya gets worried for Mayra...

Priya goes towards door and bang on door repeatedly...

Pari and other siblings who is hiding behind wall in hall because they all team up with pari when pari locked the door...

Priya shout- Plz open the door, Mayra is not able to take breath...

Siblings listen this and gets scared...

Priya goes towards Mayra and ask her to relax and says someone will open door definitely... Nothing will happen to you..

Pari and siblings rush towards door and open the locked but unfortunately door gets jam...

Kush - Priya angel door gets locked...

Ram comes there and ask what happened...?

Pihu explains everything...

Ram looses his cool on siblings...

Ram - All of you out of your mind..? All of you know that Mayra has breathing issue...

Priya shouts- Kush break the door right now...

Priya is patting on Mayra's back...

Kush tries to break the door but unfortunately kush is not able to break door... Siddharth comes there and helps him to break the door...

Door gets opened...

Ram made Priya and Mayra out of the room...

Everyone gets worried...

Pari comes with water...

Priya made Mayra drink the water...

Pari- Sorry Mom, actually this is my plan to locked both of you in room so that both of you start talking...

Other siblings also says sorry...

Priya angrily stares at them...

Mayra- Its ok, i ak fine now...

Everyone goes to there room...

Pihu, Pari and Kush comes to Raya's room-

Pari- I am extremely sorry mom... This is my plan...

Pihu- Me too sorry because i am elder i should stop pari from doing this stupidly... I know very well that Mayra has health issue just like dad... Like BP problem, breathing issue in closed area..Mayra takes tension just like dad...

Kush- Exactly we should think before doing this...

Raya forgives them and ask them not to do such mistake again...

Priya goes to Mayra's room-

Priya with soft tone- Mayra...

Mayra- Yes...

Priya hugs her immediately... Priya forgives her and gets emotional...

Mayra gets happy...

Priya and Mayra share quality time together...

Priya- Now study... You are not focusing on study... I am not going to compromise with your and Pari's study...

Mayra smiles and says ok...

Mayra start to study... Priya sees and smiles.. Priya sees that Mayra is doing study with left hand just like ram...

Priya smile vanishes and thinks of all the incidents which happened today...

Priya recalls when Pihu, Pari and Kush come to apologise that time Pihu said that Mayra has health issue just like Ram...

Priya thinks from the childhood we all see that Mayra's habits are like Ram... Like using left hand, thinking too much for every little thing, never share her pain with anyone, BP problem... That's why i always strict with her diet and mak sure she doesn't eat much sweet...

Priya thinks what is this going on... We always think Mayra is just like Ram but now Roshani comes in our lives and claim to be our daughter...

Why i am not getting motherly feeling for Roshani? Is she is really our daughter?

Next Part-
Someone sees Roshani wearing mask of Pari and gets shocked...

Priya behave strict with Roshani for cross checking...

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